Saturday, May 9, 2015

Petition for Expert opinoion in Consumer Case

District : South 24 Parganas.

Before the Hon’ble District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, at Alipore, South 24 Parganas.

                                                          M.A. no.                of 2015,
                                                { Arising out of C.C. no. 106 of 2015 }       
                                                          In the matter of :

Smt. Rikta Halder, Wife of Shri Ardhendu Halder, residing at 5 No. Beniabati, Post Office – Rajarampur, Police Station - Falta, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin - 743504.
                             ______Petitioner / Complainant.

-     Versus –

1.   M/s. Future Automobile Agency Private Limited, Dey Motors Compound, NH – 6, Chamrail, Kona, Howrah – 711114.

2.   M/s. Eicher Motors Limited, 102, Industrial Area No.1, SEZ, Pitampura, District Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, PIN – 454775.

3.   M/s. VE Commercial Vehicles Limited, having Registered Office at 3rd Floor, Select Cotywalk, A-3, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110 017.

4.   UCO Bank, Diamond Harbour Branch, Main Road, Diamond Harbour, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin - 743331.

________ Respondents / Opposite Parties.

Petition for Expert opinion and or test report on Engine of Vehicle by Automobile Expert

The humble petition of the above named petitioner / Complainant, most respectfully;

Sheweth as under :

1.    That the Petitioner / Complainant made an application under Section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act’ 1986, against the Respondents / Opposite Parties.

2.    That the petitioner is not able to run the bus only due to manufacturing defects as owing in engine of the bus on several occasions occurred and such defects continued and the said engine go out of order and not worked properly.

3.    That the necessary facts are as below :

a)    That the Petitioner purchased one Eicher model no. 11.12K F/L CWC BSIII, Chassis No. MC260 KRTODB080332, and Engine No. E – 483CDDB604848, from M/s. Future Automobile Agency Private Limited, Dey Motors Compound, NH – 6, Chamrail, Kona, Howrah – 711114, through Bank Finance, from UCO Bank, Diamond Harbour Branch, Main Road, Diamond Harbour, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin - 743331, and get delivery of such Chassis and Engine, as on 11-04-2013.

b)   That after the delivery of Eicher model no. 11.12K F/L CWC BSIII, Chassis No. MC260 KRTODB080332, and Engine No. E – 483CDDB604848, from M/s. Future Automobile Agency Private Limited, Dey Motors Compound, NH – 6, Chamrail, Kona, Howrah – 711114,  on 12-04-2013, your petitioner arranged for construction of 50+1 Seater Bus Body and got the delivery of constructed bus, and the same was insured by 25-10-2013.

c)    That in the month of December’ 2013, your petitioner started to drive the said Bus being registered as WB 19F 6276, at Route no. SD-26 ( as of Burul to Babughat ), for her earning livelihood.

d)   That from the first day of plying the said bus, your petitioner discovered problems in running and therefore visited the respondent no.1, who is Dealer as well as the Service Center of the Other Respondents, and whereas the necessary services were carried out including changes of several little parts of vehicle, but again on running the same problems persisted to the petitioner, and the defects of the engine remain unrepaired.

e)    That on 15-12-2013, that is after two month of the purchase of the said Vehicle, the engine of the bus in question broken down owing to manufacturing defect. For such manufacturing defects in Engine of the vehicle, the ply of vehicle reduced and did not give the required ply on road.

f)     That such facts were apprised and took the bus at service centre at M/s. Future Automobile Agency Private Limited, Dey Motors Compound, NH – 6, Chamrail, Kona, Howrah – 711114, whereas the respondent repaired the engine and delivered. But the manufacturing defects as owing in engine of the bus on several occasions occurred and on several occasions repaired and or tried to repaired such engine and delivered though time and again, such defects continued and the said engine go out of order and not worked properly.

g)    Therefore the petitioner is not able to run the said bus only due to the manufacturing defects as owing in engine of the bus on several occasions occurred and such, such defects continued and the said engine go out of order and not worked properly.

4.    That the petitioner beg to state that this in necessary to obtain an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus , as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road.

5.    That the petitioner beg to state that the petitioner seeks to obtain an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, in the interest of fair and speedy administration of justice.

6.    That the petitioner beg to state that the petitioner is ready and willing to produce such vehicle for obtaining an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, before Automobile Expert and or Expert Technician of Automobile, as directed by the Hon’ble Forum.

7.    That the Petitioner beg to state that the Petitioner is ready and willing to pay necessary cost and charges and or expenses towards obtaining an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, to an Automobile Expert and or Expert Technician of Automobile, as directed by the Hon’ble Forum.

8.    That the Petitioner beg to state that unless the Hon’ble Forum directed to obtaining an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, before Automobile Expert and or Expert Technician of Automobile, your Petitioner will highly prejudice and suffer with irreparable loss and injury.

9.    That the Petitioner beg to state that the petitioner proposes two Govt. agency in regard to obtaining an Automobile Expert opinion and or test report from the Expert technician of Automobile, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, as (i) ITI ( Industrial Training Institute ) Gariahat, for Automobile, at premises being no. 10 & 10/A, Gariahat Road, Kolkata 700 091, and / or (ii) RTO, Alipore, Office of the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, M.V. Department, Alipore, Kolkata 700 027.

10. That the Petitioner beg to state that the balance of convenience and inconvenience is in the favour of your petitioner.

11. That this application is made bonafide and in the interest of administration of justice.

12. The Petitioner therefore prayed for :

Under the above facts and circumstances, It is prayed that your Honour would be graciously pleased to grant the following prayers / relief :-

a)    To direct an Automobile Expert and or Expert Technician of Automobile of (i) ITI ( Industrial Training Institute ) Gariahat, for Automobile, at premises being no. 10 & 10/A, Gariahat Road, Kolkata 700 091, and / or (ii) RTO, Alipore, Office of the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, M.V. Department, Alipore, Kolkata 700 027, to obtain Expert opinion and or test report, in respect of the alleged Engine of bus, as to ascertain about the manufacturing defects of such engine, which causes lowest pick up and irregular ply on road, on production of bus / vehicle at the cost and or necessary charges, paid by the petitioner, in the interest of administration of justice.

b)                            To grant any other relief to the applicant / petitioner as found out by your Honour, in the facts and circumstances of the Complaint.

And or to pass such other necessary order or orders and or further order or orders as your Honour, may deem fit and proper for the ends of justice.

And for this act of kindness, the Petitioner, as in duty bound shall ever pray.

Sl. No.
Chassis No.
Engine No.
E - 483CDDB604848
Vehicle no.
WB 19F 6276


I, being the Petitioner, herein, do hereby declare that the forgoing paragraphs no________to ________are true to the best of my knowledge and rest prayers portions are my humble submission before the Hon’ble Forum and I duly sign and verify this Plaint on _____________2015.

                                                                             Identified by me,

Prepared in my Chamber,

Dated : _______________2015.
Place : Alipore Judges’ Court.

District : South 24 Parganas.
Before the Hon’ble District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, at Alipore, South 24 Parganas.

                                      M.A. no.                of 2015,
                                                { Arising out of C.C. no. 106 of 2015 }                                                       
In the matter of :-
Smt. Rikta Halder,
……..Applicant / Petitioner.
-          Versus –

M/s. Future Automobile Agency Private Limited, and others,
          ………Respondents / Opposite Parties.


Affidavit of Smt. Rikta Halder, Wife of Shri Ardhendu Halder, aged about 45 years, by occupation house wife, residing at 5 No. Beniabati, Post Office – Rajarampur, Police Station - Falta, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin - 743504.

I, the above deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :-

1 : That I am being the petitioner, in the above case, thoroughly conversant with the facts and circumstances of the present case and am competent to swear this affidavit.

2 : That the facts contained in my accompanying complaint / application, the contents of which have not been repeated herein for the sake of brevity may be read as an integral part of this affidavit and are true and correct to my knowledge.



I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly verify that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge, and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.

Verified this ………….the day of …………….2015, at Alipore Judges’ Court.

                                                                   Identified by me,

Prepared in my Chamber,

Dated :……………………2015.
Place : Alipore Judges’ Court.


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