Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Petition for copy of documents relied on by the plaintiff


In the Court of the Learned 5th Civil Judge (Junior Division) at Alipore,

South 24 Parganas


Ref:- Title Suit No. 1606 of 2024

In the matter of;

Sri Rajkumar Gupta



Sri Shambhu Singh, and Others



Petition under Section 151 C.P.C.

For copy of the relied on document by the Plaintiff


The humble petition on behalf of the above named defendant no. 1, Shambhu Singh, most respectfully;

Sheweth as under;


  1. That the defendant no.1 is in knowledge of the summons issued by the Learned Court in the above referred suit. The said summons was only with the Photostat copy of the Plaint; But the same have not ever been with the copy of the documents relied on by the plaintiff. Therefore in absence of those documents, the defendant no. 1 is not able to put his comments, so far.


  1. That the Plaintiff relies on are filed in a separate firisti along with the plaint and such documents are in possession and /or power in support of the Plaintiff’s claim; But those documents has never been served on the defendant no. 1.


  1. That it is also pertinent to states that what are the documents, the plaintiff relied on to put such claim on the defendant no. 1 has not ever been disclosed and /or stated anywhere in the statements of the plaint placed before the Learned Court. The statements about the documents relied on by the plaintiff is totally absent in the plaint.


  1. That in the given facts, as stated herein above, the defendant no.1 seeks to get a copy of the documents relied on by the plaintiff, as to able himself to put his comments, if any by way of additional written statements in the present suit, in the interest of administration of Justice.


  1. That unless the Learned Court direct the plaintiff to serve a copy of the documents relied on by the plaintiff to the defendant no. 1, the defendant no.1 will highly prejudice and suffer with irreparable loss and injury thereof.


  1. That the preponderance of the balance of convenience and inconveniences are in favour of the defendant no.1 and the plaintiff will not prejudice.


  1. That this application is made bonafide and in the interest of administration of justice.

It is therefore prayed that your Honour would graciously be pleased to direct the Plaintiff to serve a copy of the Documents relied on by the plaintiff to the defendant no.1, and to give opportunity to the defendant no.1 to put his comments on those relied on documents of the plaintiff by way of submitting his additional written statement in the present suit, in the interest of administration of Justice, and /or to pass such other necessary order or orders as Your Honour may deem, fit, and proper for the end of Justice.


And for this act of kindness, the Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.



I, Sambhu Singh, being the defendant no.1, in the present Suit. I am well acquainted and conversant with the material facts as stated in the forgoing paragraphs of my Written Statement. I, verify & sign the Written Statement on 17th day of December’ 2024, at Alipore Judges’ Court Premises.












I, Shambhu Singh, Son of Late Subedar Singh, aged about _____years, by faith Hindu, by Occupation Medical Practitioner, residing at Premises being no. 3242, Vidyasagar Sarani, Police Station Haridevpur, Kolkata – 700063, Ward no. 124, Bara Bagan, near Sabuj Sangha Club, Vollybal Ground, Kolkata – 700063, District South 24 Parganas, do hereby solemnly affirm and says as follows;

1.           That I am the defendant no.1 in the present Suit matter. I am well acquainted and conversant with the material facts of the present Suit. I am competent to swear this affidavit.


2.           That the statements of the paragraph number 1, 2, & 3 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and the rests are my humble submissions before the Learned Court.

The statements made above are true to our knowledge and belief.




Identified by me,




Prepared in my Chamber,





Date : 17th December’ 2024;

Place :Alipore Judges’ Court;





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