Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Written Statement of the Borrower in Arbitration


In the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution Excellence

having its Office at 2nd Floor, Shanmugha Arcade, # 39/1, NGEFT Lane, Binnamangala First Stage (Indiranagar 1st Stage), Banglore - 560038

Before the Learned Arbitrator Magesh Kumar KP


Ref. No. TCL/4238/2024

(Loan Agreement No. TCFPL0540000012652644)


                                                                   In the matter of;

                                                                   Tata Capital Limited,


-      Versus –

Subhajit Shome,



Written Statement of the Borrower;


The humble Petition of the above named Borrower, most respectfully;

Sheweth as under;


1.   That the Borrower is not in receipt of any copy of Claim ever placed by the Claimant before the Learned Tribunal, therefore the Borrower is not in any clear knowledge or iota about the story or statements has ever placed by the Claimant against the Borrower. The Borrower reserve his rights to put his comments on the purports and contents, while he will receive a copy of the Claim submitted by the Claimant. The Borrower will make his reply on the said claim, by way of additional written statement, in the present arbitration proceeding, in the interest of administration of justice as well as for fair adjudication of the purported claim, if any.


2.   That since the borrower is not in receipt of any copy of claim ever submitted by the claimant, the borrower has no occasion to dealt with the contention and purports of the said purported claim, therefore the borrower is obliged to place the true fact, which are necessary to enrich the fair & proper adjudication of the claim, if any;


(a)  The Borrower availed the Financial Assistance for a sum of Rs. 1,50,973/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand and Nine Hundred Seventy Three) only, on 27th day of January’ 2024, But the borrower received a sum of Rs. 1,42,040/- (Rupees One Lakh Forty Two Thousand and Forty) only, therefore the money received by the borrower is the actual and true money as a sum of Rs. 1,42,040/- (Rupees One Lakh Forty Two Thousand and Forty) only, availed and enjoyed by him.


(b)  The Borrower paid 2 EMIs worth Rs. 5,844/- each, on 5th March’ 2024, and 5th April’ 2024. The Borrower availed such loan to start his own business; But became the victim of unemployment and crypto fraud. The Borrower was in suffering of financial distress.


(c)  The Claimant offered One Time Settlement (OTS) to the Borrower considering his financial distress, as a sum of Rs. 62,000/- (Rupees Sixty Two Thousand) only. The claimant given the Sanctioned of Settlement Letter being Reference Number FY 24-25/PL/2406858918537 dated 27/06/2024. The Borrower paid the said sum of money as Rs. 62,000/- (Rupees Sixty Two Thousand) only, being Settlement money by and between the Claimant and the Borrower by way of Demand Draft Number 963527156 dated 28/06/2024, drawn on Indian Overseas Bank, in favour of Tata Capital Limited.


Photostat copy of the said Settlement Letter dated 27/06/2024, and the Demand Draft for a sum of Rs. 62,000/- (Rupees Sixty Two Thousand) only, are annexed herewith and marked as Annexure – “A”, Collectively.


(d)  Presently, the Borrower have Highly financial distress with him on account of his unemployment and the victim of financial fraud, therefore the Borrower is not in any position to pay any money to his Creditors including the Bank, NBFC, etc. Therefore the Borrower has instituted an application under Section 10 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920, as to adjudicate the borrower being the Debtor as an Insolvent, against the Creditors, before the Hon’ble District Judge, South 24 Parganas, at Alipore Judges’ Court, Alipore, Kolkata – 700027. The said application has been registered as Insolvency Case No. 141 of 2024. The said Insolvency case is pending for adjudication.


(e)  Since the Claimant even after received the Settlement money asking the borrower for further money and disturbing off and on to the borrower, the borrower made the claimant the party as Respondent / Creditor in the said Insolvency Case no. 141 of 2024. The Claimant is in receipt of the notices of the said Insolvency Case instituted by the Borrower.


Photostat copy of the application under Section 10 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920, is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure – “B”.


(f)   That the Borrower assessed his total payable sum of money as a sum of Rs. 8,96,576/- (Rupees Eight Lakhs Ninety Six Thousand and Five Hundred Seventy Six) only, to the Creditors, in placing his said Insolvency application and the Borrower has the entire assets which consists the Cash being sum of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) only, with the balances in his Bank Accounts & Mutual Fund Investments as a  sum of Rs. 10,226.42 (Rupees Ten Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Six and paise Forty Two) only, and no other property either movable or immovable is found favour the borrower.


3.   That in the given facts, while the settlement has been entered by and between the Claimant and the Borrower and the said settled money has already been taken by the claimant by way of Demand Draft from the Borrower; no further claim can be sustained in the eye of Law from the Borrower, and the claim if any bad in law.


4.   Pertinently, the Borrower seeks adjudication as an insolvent before the competent Court of Law, and the said proceeding is pending for adjudication which clearly established his inability in earning any money and having any property either movable or immovable, so far, therefore the Claimant has no occasion to put his any purported claim even after taking settlement money from the borrower.


5.   The Borrower seeks the refusal of the present arbitration proceeding initiated by the claimant herein against the borrower, in the interest of administration of Justice.


6.   Unless the Learned Tribunal refused the present arbitration proceeding initiated by the claimant herein against the borrower. The Borrower will highly prejudice and suffer with irreparable loss and injury thereof.


7.   The preponderance of the balance of convenience and inconveniences are lies in favour of the Borrower.


8.   This application is made bonafide and in the interest of administration of Justice.


It is therefore prayed that the Learned Tribunal would graciously be pleased to accept the Written Statement submitted by the Borrower, and to refused the present arbitration proceeding under Ref. No. TCL/4238/2024, against the borrower, in the interest of administration of Justice, and /or to pass such other necessary order or orders, as the Learned Tribunal may deem, fit, and proper for the end of Justice.


And for this act of kindness, the Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.




I, Subhajit Shome, being the Borrower, in the present Arbitration Proceeding, made this Written Statement. I am well conversant and acquainted with the material facts as stated in the fore going paragraphs. I verify and sign this written statement on _____December’ 2024.

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