Sunday, September 24, 2023

consumer judgment against Lord Realty Private Limited


District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
South 24 Parganas
Baruipur, Kolkata-700 144
Complaint Case No. CC/23/2022
( Date of Filing : 28 Jan 2022 )
1. Harish Chandra S/O- Lt. Raja Ram
P-110, Ground Floor, Oxytown, Sarsuna, Kol-61, P.S & P.O- Sarsuna
1. M/S Lord Realty Private Limited
Lord House,71/9, Topsia Road, Topsia Kol-46 & 7B, Ahirpukur Road, Kol-19
2. Anwar Azim Chairman & Managing Director Of M/S Lord Realty Private Limited
Lord House, 71/9, Topsia Road, Topsia Kol-46, & 7B, Ahirpukur Road, Kol-19, P.S- Topsia, P.O- Gobind Khatick Road
Dated : 21 Mar 2023
Final Order / Judgement

Sri Ashoke Kumar Pal, President

The matrix of the instant complainant case in a nutshell is that the complainant booked a plot of land measuring about 2 cottahs more fully described in the schedule of the petition of complainant and agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012 at a valuable consideration of Rs.3,32,500/- (Rupees three lakhs thirty two thousand and five hundred).  The complainant paid Rs.1,32,500/- (Rupees one lakh thirty two thousand and five hundred) and Rs. Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakhs) by two separate cheques dated 17.07.2012 drawn on PNB, Garden Rich Bank and SBI, Metiaburuz Branch respectively on the date of allotment as well as agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012.  In addition to that the complainant also paid Rs.18,525/- (Rupees eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty five) for registration charges to the OPs.  The entire consideration amount has been paid by two cheques dated 17.07.2012 and the OPs acknowledged the receipt of the same by issuing money receipts.  After payment of the entire consideration amount, the agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012 was made by and between the parties.  It was agreed that the delivery of possession of the said plot of land with all facilities and amenities will be made within 24 months but the OPs violated the terms and conditions of the agreement and failed to deliver the possession of the schedule plot of land to the complainant.  The OP also failed to execute and register a proper Deed of Conveyance in respect of the scheduled plot of land in favour of the complainant along with delivery of possession thereof despite repeated requests by the complainant.  As the OPs neither handed over the delivery of possession of the schedule plot of land to the complainant and also did not execute and register a proper Deed of Conveyance in favour of the complainant, the instant complaint case has been filed by the complainant on the reliefs as sought for in the petition of complaint. 

The OPs did not come forward to contest the case and as such by Order No.9 Dated 22.09.2022 the instant case was declared to be proceeded ex-parte as against both the OP 1 & 2.

                                     Points for decision :-

  1. Is the complainant, a consumer?
  2. Are the OPs guilty of deficiency in service and unfair trade practice?
  3. Is the complainant entitled to get reliefs as prayed for?

Decision with reasons :-

Point No.1:- 

On perusal of the case record along with copies of documents, it appears that the complainant was willing to purchase the scheduled plot of land more fully described in the schedule of the petition of complaint as well as agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012 and the OPs agreed to sell the same to the complainant for which the agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012 have been made by and between the parties.  The complainant paid the entire consideration amount of Rs.3,32,500/- (Rupees three lakhs thirty two thousand and five hundred) towards total consideration amount by two cheques dated 17.07.2012 and also paid Rs.18,525/- (Rupees eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty five) towards registration charges and the OPs acknowledged the receipt of the same by issuing money receipts.  Therefore, the complainant is a consumer as defined U/S  2(7) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. 

As such, Point No.1 is decided in favour of the complainant and against the OPs.

Point No:2 : 

The complainant booked the scheduled plot of land and entered into an agreement dated 27.09.2012 with the OPs to that effect.  The complainant also made full payment of Rs.3,32,500/- towards the total consideration amount by two A/C payee cheques dated 17.07.2012 along with the registration charge of Rs.18,525/- and the OPs acknowledged the same by issuing money receipts from which it appears that all the payments have been properly made.  On the other hand, despite payment of entire consideration amount by the complainant as per terms of the agreement dated 27.09.2012 the OPs failed and neglected to hand over the possession of the schedule plot of land to the complainant nor execute and register a proper deed of conveyance in favour of the complainant.  The complainant finding no other alternative requested the OPs to deliver the possession of the scheduled property as promised by them.  But the OPs were very much reluctant and paid no heed thereof.  Therefore, it is clear from the averments of the complainants that the OPs are guilty of deficiency in service and unfair trade practice.

As such, the Point No.2 is also decided in favour of the complainant and against the OPs.

Point No.03 :-

The complainant booked the scheduled plot of land more fully described in the schedule of the petition of complaint and agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012 from the OPs and made full payment of the consideration amount of Rs.3,32,500/- along with registration charge of aRs.18,525/-. But the OPs violated the terms and conditions of the agreement dated 27.09.2012.  Neither the OPs handed over possession of the scheduled plot of land as described in the schedule of the petition of complaint and the agreement for sale dated 27.09.12 nor they returned back the amount of Rs.3,51,025/- only with interest which they received from the complainant as per terms of agreement for sale dated 27.09.2012.  Therefore, as the complainant did not get any positive response from the OPs,  he was compelled to file the instant complaint case against the OPs on the reliefs sought for in the petition of complaint.  As such, there is no hesitation to hold that the complainant is entitled to get the reliefs as prayed for as the OPs did not hand over physical possession of the scheduled plot of land to the complainant.  The complainant failed to get service from the OPs.  On the other hand, the complainant was harassed by the OPs by various ways.  Therefore, the complainant is entitled to get the reliefs as prayed for.

Thus the Point No.3 is also decided in favour of the complainant and against the  OPs.

In the result, the complaint case succeeds.

Fees paid is correct.

Hence, it is,



That the instant case be and the same is hereby allowed ex-parte against the OPs with cost of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five  thousand) only.

The OPs are jointly and severally liable and are directed to deliver vacant  and peaceful possession of the scheduled plot of land to the complainant within 60 days from the date of passing this order.

Alternatively, the OPs are jointly and severally  liable and are directed to refund the entire consideration amount of Rs.3,32,500/- (Rupees three lakhs thirty two thousand and five hundred) and Rs.18,525/- (Rupees eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty five) towards registration charge along with simple interest @ 12% p.a. w.e.f. 27.09.2012 (date of agreement for sale) to the complainant till the date of final realization thereof within 60 days from the date of passing this order.

That the OPs are jointly and severally liable and are also directed to pay compensation to the tune of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) for mental pain and agony and deficiency in service and unfair trade practice, harassment and inconvenience suffered by the complainant, within 60 days from the date of passing this order.  

That the OPs are jointly and severally liable and are also directed to pay the litigation cost of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand) only within 60 days from the date of passing this order. 

That the complainant is at liberty to put the order into execution after the expiry of 60 days in case the orders are not complied with by the OP within 60 days from the date of passing this order.

Let a copy of the order be supplied free of cost to the parties concerned. 

That the final order will be available in the following website

Dictated and corrected by me.  


    Ashoke Kumar Pal                      



Evidence on affidavit in consumer case against Lord Realty Private Limited


Before the Hon’ble District Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, South 24 Parganas

144, Kulpi Rd, Beharapara, Baruipur, West Bengal 700144


                                         Consumer Complaint no. CC/57/2021.


                                                          In the matter of:




- Versus –


M/s. Lord Realty Pvt. Limited, and Another;                 







Affidavit of Shri ASHISH KUMAR GHOSH, Son of Late Nripendra Nath GHosh, aged about _____years, by faith Hindu, by Occupation ______________residing at premises being number 20/1, Jugipara Road, Debalay Apartment, Flast C – 1, First Floor, Police Station Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700028, District – North 24 Parganas;


I, the above deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :-

1.   That I am Petitioner in the present Consumer Proceeding, and thoroughly conversant with the facts and circumstances of the present Consumer case and am competent to swear this affidavit.


2.   That I beg to say that the Respondent no. 1, M/s. Lord Realty Pvt. Limited, having its Registered Office at Premises being number 71/9, Topsia Road, Kolkata – 700046, District – South 24 Parganas, and also having establishment at premises number 7B, Ahiripukur Road, 3rd floor, Kolkata – 700019, is carrying development in Real Estate business, represented by it’s Managing Director, being the Respondent no.2, herein Mr. Mohammad Anwar Azim, Son of Late Azimul Hassan, Managing Director of M/s. Lord Realty Pvt. Limited, having its Registered Office at Premises being number 71/9, Topsia Road, Kolkata – 700046, District – South 24 Parganas. The Managing Director is responsible for day to day affairs of the Respondent no. 1, Company.


3.   That I beg to say that the Respondent no.1, herein released Brochure, leaflet, and advertisement in media, including it’s Website, so far, wherein the Respondent no.1, and Respondent no.2, placed their attractive schemes and project of Realty Estates Development and whereas in the year 2012, the Petitioner came across about the project namely “ LORD CITY SONARPUR ”  and therefore obtain the Brochure and thereafter made the application for a plot of Land with all amenities. The said Project in two fold consequences whereas at the first the Developer being the respondents sold the plot of the Land and consequently, they took endavour for conversion, mutation, etc. with the concerned Govt. Department, and thereafter Construction of House, Bunglow, one storied, two storied, etc. at the choice of purchaser.


  1. That I beg to say that through Letter dated 3rd April’ 2012, Respondents had allotted Unit No. C-110 in Zone – 7, measuring 4320 Sq. ft. for Lord City Sonarpur at the rate of Rs. 1,50,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh and Fifty Thousand ) only per Cottaha. The Total Consideration of the Unit ( excepting the charges for Amenities and excluding Registry ) comes to Rs. 9,00,000/- ( Rupees Nine Lakhs ) only, the said allotment Letter has been issued by the respondents only on receipts of Rs. 1,80,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh and Eighty Thousand ) only, being application money, and whereas the rests amount has been decided into 12 (twelve) installments.


5.   That I beg to say that I had paid the total consideration money in the following terms :

1.   26.03.2012 – Money Receipt number 3251 - Rs. 1,80,000/-

2.   23-05-2012 – Money Receipt number 3739 – Rs. 40,000/-

3.   21-04-2012 – Money Receipt Number 3476 – Rs. 40,000/-

4.   22-06-2012 – Money Receipt Number 3976 – Rs. 40,000/-

5.   21-07-2012 – Money Receipt Number 4233 – Rs. 40,000/-

6.   11-09-2012 – Money Receipt Number 4665 – Rs. 40,000/-

7.   26-09-2012 – Money Receipt Number 4786 – Rs. 40,000/-

8.   09-10-2012 – Money Receipt Number 4925 – Rs. 40,000/-

9.   19-11-2012 – Money Receipt Number 5225 – Rs. 40,000/-

10.        26-12-2012 – Money Receipt Number 5561 – Rs. 40,000/-

11.        06-02-2013 – Money Receipt Number 5958 – Rs. 30,000/-

12.        04-02-2013 – Money Receipt Number 5945 – Rs. 10,000/-

13.        22-03-2013 – Money Receipt Number 6928 – Rs. 40,000/-

14.        06-05-2013 – Money Receipt Number 7334 – Rs. 40,000/-

15.        18-05-2013 – Money Receipt Number 7371 – Rs. 40,000/-

16.        06-03-2013 – Money Receipt Number 6805 – Rs. 40,000/-

17.        24-08-2013 – Money Receipt Number 8117 – Rs. 80,000/-

18.        21.09.2013 – Money Receipt number 8408 - Rs. 40,000/-

19.        And Rs. 40,000/- on the occasion of registration of deed of conveyance, totaling as of Rs. 9,00,000/- ( Rupees Nine Lakhs ) only.


6.   That I beg to say that the Respondents entered into an Agreement for Sale dated 17th day of October’ 2012, with the Petitioner, wherein Respondents are a Developer as described therein and the Petitioner is a Purchaser / Allottee. The said Agreement for Sale dated 17th day of October’ 2012, contained the following covenants :

a)   At page number 2, paragraph number 1 – The Allottee of each unit who intends to acquire the opwnership shall have the choice either to make single storied or two storied building in and over the unit of land according to building plan to be prepared with such modification or alteration as may be deemed fit and proper by the developer or as advised by the architect or as may be sanctioned by the competent authority and the said allottee agrees to be bound thereby. Such construction of building shall be done only by the developer and the purchaser / allottee shall have no right for such job nor shall modify and or change the nature and character of the building in future. In the event of failure to give marketable title to the purchaser/allottee the developer undertakes to refund any amount that will be paid upon execution of these presents to the purchaser/allottee.


b)   At page number 2, paragraph number 2 – The Unit Allottee besides acquiring the right of ownership of the said unit and other rights attached thereto subject to registration of the final deed of conveyance after observation of the aforesaid terms along with other terms and conditions mentioned hereunder shall be entitled to have construction either for single storied or two storied building / bunglow.


c)   At page number 2, paragraph number 3 – each unit allottee along with the Developer will be entitled to the following easement rights and similarly be subject to similar easements and rights of the other unit – allottees as also the Developer.


i)             Right of access and way in common with the developer and / or other unit-allottees at all time with the use and enjoyment of common areas and facilities to which they are entitled to.


ii)           Easements quasi-easements, appendages and appurtenances belonging to or appurtenant to units as usually held used and occupied or known as part or parcel thereof or appertaining thereto provided always that nothing herein contained shall permit the unit-allottee or any person deriving title under him or his agent and invitee to obstruct in any way be vehicle, deposit or materials, rubbish or other wise free passage of other person or persons including the Developer and other unit-allottees entitled to such was as aforesaid.


iii)          The right of protection of the unit by and from all parts of the building/zone so far as they are normally protected.


iv)          The right of flow in common of electricity, water and waste or soil from and to the unit through pipes, drains, wires, and conduits lying or being in under through or over the4 other parts of the zone or unit as appli9cable, so far as may be reasonably necessary for the beneficial use occupation and enjoyment of each unit.


v)           The right with or without workmen and necessary materials to enter from time to time upon the other unit or any part or parts in the unit of other zones for the purpose of rebuilding, repairing, replacing or cleaning so far as may be necessary when the aforesaid job cannot be reasonably carried out without such entry and materials and in all such cases excepting in emergent situation upon giving forty eight hours previous notice in writing of his intention so to enter to the person affected thereby.


d)    At page number 7, paragraph number 16 – Possession –


a)   Possession will be offered to the allottee sending notice in writing and possession will be delivered on the date mentioned in the notice. If the possession is not taken on that date it will be deemed to have been delivered on the said date.


b)   Outstanding amount if any shall continue to remain the liability of the allottee.


c)   Rates taxes and maintenance charges of the said unit and appurtenances thereto will be the liability of the allottee from possession date as stated above.


e)   At page number 7, paragraph number 17 – Conveyance – within thirty days after the developer offering the allottee to take possession of the unit as aforesaid, the allottee shal take steps for getting the conveyance executed and registered bearing all costs of registration and stamp duty along with other incidental expenses.


f)    At page number 8, paragraph as – SCHEDULE OF LAND REFERRED TO ABOVE – ALL THAT piece and parcel of land measuring an area of 6 Cottahas ( 4320 Square feet ) more or less being Unit No. C – 110, within Zone – 7, comprised in Dag No. 80, J.L, no. 108, within Mouza Sangur, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas.


7.   That I beg to say that subsequently, on being payment of total consideration money by the Petitioner, the Respondents executed and registered Deed of Conveyance in respect of ALL THAT piece and parcel of Sali land measuring a total area of 6(Six) Cottahas more or less ( Zone – 7, Unit C110) comprised 5.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag no. 1570, corresponding to R.S. Dag no. 1560 and 0.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag number 1569 corresponding to R.S. Dag number 1559, L.R. Khatian No. 409, 1177/1, 1059/1, and 197/1, J.L. No. 108, Touji No. 109, within Mouja Sangur, A.D.S.R. and P.S. Sonarpur, Pratap Nagar Gram panchayat, District 24 – Parganas South, butted and bounded as ON THE NORTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1563, ON THE SOUTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559, ON THE EAST : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559 & 1560, in favour of my Client Shri ASHISH KUMAR GHOSH, Son of Late Nripendra Nath Ghosh, residing at premises being number 20/1, Jugipara Road, Debalay Apartment, Flast C – 1, First Floor, Police Station Dum Dum, Kolkata – 700028, vide Being number 07077 for the year 2014, registered in Book – I, CD Volume number 40, Page from 2409 to 2425, registered in District Sub-registrar-IV, South 24 Parganas, wherein acknowledged the total consideration money as of Rs. 9,00,000/- ( Rupees Nine Lakhs ) only, in pursuance of Agreement for Sale dated 17-10-2012.


8.   That I beg to say that the Respondents had given a Letter dated 29th November’ 2013, wherein it is stated as follows :

“ with great pleasure, I would like to inform you that the commencement of Lord City Sonarpur Project, is starting on 29th November’ 2013.

Commencing on 29th November’ 2013, independent bunglows along with necessary infrastructure will be constructed in phased manner, starting from phase #1 and will be made available as per the sale agreement.

Please note, construction of Model Bunglows of 2,4, and 6 Cottahas at Lord City Sonarpur are already completed and are open for display.

Relevant details will be intimated to you shortly.”


9.   That I beg to say that the Respondents had given one Letter dated 12th November’ 2015, wherein it is stated as follows :


“ Please refer to our letter under reference wherein we had intimated to you that the commencement of construction work in our Lord City Sonarpur Project was scheduled to begin therefrom starting from phase -1, and shall be made available within the period and other terms morefully mentioned in the Sale Agreement executed between us followed by the construction payment schedule.


We hereby regretfully inform you that, although the construction work in our said project has been commenced, but due to departmental delays and certain inevitable circumstances faced by the company ( like major delay in receiving mutation, conversion and sanction documents from the land  and other concerned government department/s, unavailability of skilled labour for better construction work, etc. ) the completion of the desired phase has not been completed nevertheless the same is expected within 12 months ( excluding force majeure delay, if any ) from the date of our instant communication to you and the construction work is now in a speedy process, your respective unit shall be made available upon completion of the same.”


10.                That I beg to say that one Minutes of Meeting dated 18-11-2018, has been provided by the Respondents, which contained the followings :


a)   Lord will show us Loan sanction documents on or before 05-12-2018, as agreed by both parties;

b)   17th December’ 2018, Construction will start and by May’ 2019, 100 units will be ready;

c)   Those who are interested to cancel or sell his / her plot Lord Realty Pvt. Limited will pay them from May’ 2019 with 8 % compound interest annually. Any cancellation will be entertained after May’ 2019;

d)   There will be a high tea party at Lord Realty Pvt. Limited at project site ( Sonarpur ) on 25-12-2018 for all buyers or plot owners;

e)   Buyers will see the loan sanction documents by 5th December 2018 and also commencement of works on 17-12-2018 at Sonarpur, failing to above two conditions. Lord realty will pay immediately to those who are interested to cancel and they will pay with 8% annual compound interest;

f)    Lord will share loan sanction document after 05-12-2018 by mail and will show the original to buyers, who will come to lord’s office.


11.                That I beg to say that the Petitioner had communicated to the Respondents on many occasions through email and over phone for the mutation of Land as advised by them, and authorized the respondents for causing necessary endavour for the mutation, though nothing yield till date. It is pertinent to states that on all and every occasions, the respondents promised to perform in terms of the Agreement for Sale though respondents could not made available themselves on different pretext therefore the respondents did not deliver the physical possession of the Land and mutation has not been done in favour of the petitioner, till date. Thus the Petitioner have only possessions of some documents and or papers as provided by the respondents. But the respondents have money of the petitioner as taken by the respondents in promises as given by the respondents in terms of the said Agreement for Sale dated 17-10-2012.


12.                That I beg to say that the acts & Omissions of the respondents as described above,  are well established as deficiency in services and unfair trade practices, as meant for in the Consumer Protection Act’ 2019.


13.                That I beg to say that the Petitioner Seeks due performance of the respondents in terms of the Agreement for Sale dated 17-10-2012, by delivering the physical possession of the property and causing necessary endavour for the mutation with the concern department, thereof. The Petitioner served one Legal Notice dated 1st day of December’ 2020, on the respondents, through Speed Post. The Respondents are well within the knowledge of the contents of such notices, though did not heed to perform, and even did not answer on such notices of the Petitioner.


14.                That I beg to states that since a substantial period is elapsed, your petitioner is genuinely apprehending much about the performances of the respondents in terms of the agreement for sale dated 17-12-2012, and therefore resort this consumer proceeding before the Hon’ble District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Baruipur, South 24 Parganas.


  1. That I beg to states that the Petitioner’s dream of his own house in the LORD CITY SONARPUR has been shuttered at the instances of willful and deliberate unfair trade practices of the respondents.


  1. That I beg to states that the Petitioner paid such amount of valuable consideration as per the respondent’s advertisement, to the respondents from his hard earned and saved money to fulfill his dream but all in vain at the instances of unfair trade practices of the respondents.


  1. That I beg to states and submits that the Petitioner is a  victim of the purported acts and deficiency in services at the instances of the respondents and the acts of the respondents as well as the facts are well constitute the deficiency in services on the part of the respondents.


  1. That I beg to say that I solely seeks to get delivery of physical possession of the schedule property being ALL THAT piece and parcel of Sali land measuring a total area of 6(Six) Cottahas more or less ( Zone – 7, Unit C110) comprised 5.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag no. 1570, corresponding to R.S. Dag no. 1560 and 0.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag number 1569 corresponding to R.S. Dag number 1559, L.R. Khatian No. 409, 1177/1, 1059/1, and 197/1, J.L. No. 108, Touji No. 109, within Mouja Sangur, A.D.S.R. and P.S. Sonarpur, Pratap Nagar Gram panchayat, District 24 – Parganas South, butted and bounded as ON THE NORTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1563, ON THE SOUTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559, ON THE EAST : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559 & 1560, in terms of the Agreement for Sale dated 17th day of October’ 2012, with all amenities, and conversion, and mutation should perused by the respondents.


  1. That I beg to states and submits that the respondents shall also pay the compensation due to the petitioner for the harassment, troubles, physical inconvenience and mental agony arising directly out of the breach of the agreement and breach of duty on the part of the respondents. The petitioners assesses such loss and damages at Rs. 6,00,000/- ( Rupees Six lakhs ) only.


  1. That I beg to states and submits that the purported activities of the respondents established deficiency in services, which is contrary to the Law.


  1. That I beg to States and submits that from all of the statements made above, it is clear that the respondents are guilty of deficiency in service as meant for in the Consumer Protection Act’ 2019



  1. That I beg to say that I am enclosing with my Petition of Consumer Complaint and praying for Exhibit in my Evidence, the following documents / Papers :

a)    Letter of Allotment dated 3rd April 2012;

b)   Schedule for total payment as provided by the respondents;

c)    Letter dated 3rd April’ 2012, of the Petitioner;

d)   Money Receipts;

e)    Agreement for Sale dated 17th day of October’ 2012;

f)     Letter dated 29th November’ 2013;

g)    Deed of Conveyance dated 10th September’ 2014;

h)   Letter dated 12th November’ 2015;

i)     Minutes of Meeting dated 18-11-2018;

j)     All communication and authorization for mutation;

k)   Legal Notice dated 1st day of December’ 2020;


  1. That I beg to say that the Cause of action for the present proceeding arose on 3rd day of April’ 2012, while the respondent company accepted the application form of the petitioners and the money as of Rs. 1,80,000/- ( Rupees One Lakh and Eighty Thousand ) only, while the respondent company acknowledge the allotment of plot of land for 4320 Sq. ft. being Unit Number C – 110 in Zone - 7, and thereafter while the respondents entered into agreement for sale dated 17-12-2012, and thereafter on each and every date while the respondents received money being installments paid by the petitioner, herein, and on 10-09-2014, while the Deed of Conveyance has been registered by the respondents and on all and every occasions whilt the communication has been made by and between the respondents and the petitioner, herein, and thereafter on all and every date on which the respondent company took payments from the petitioners and issued money receipt thereof, and thereafter on several occasions as per communication between the parties, and thereafter adverse date and the same is continuing and the project being “LORD CITY SONARPUR”, which is within the jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Commission.


  1. That I therefore prayed for the following relief/s :


a)    to direct the respondents to deliver the physical possession of the schedule property ALL THAT piece and parcel of Sali land measuring a total area of 6(Six) Cottahas more or less ( Zone – 7, Unit C110) comprised 5.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag no. 1570, corresponding to R.S. Dag no. 1560 and 0.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag number 1569 corresponding to R.S. Dag number 1559, L.R. Khatian No. 409, 1177/1, 1059/1, and 197/1, J.L. No. 108, Touji No. 109, within Mouja Sangur, A.D.S.R. and P.S. Sonarpur, Pratap Nagar Gram panchayat, District 24 – Parganas South, butted and bounded as ON THE NORTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1563, ON THE SOUTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559, ON THE EAST : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559 & 1560n with all amenities as contended in terms of the Agreement for Sale dated 17-12-2012, to the Petitioner, in the interest of administration of justice;


b)   To direct the respondents to cause necessary endavour for conversion and mutation of the name of the Petitioner in respect of the schedule property, with the concern department of the Government, in the interest of administration of justice;


c)    And or alternatively, direct the respondents to refund the money being consideration value as of Rs. 9,00,000/- ( Rupees Nine Lakhs ) only, with appropriate banking interest thereon till realization, thereof to the Petitioner in the interest of administration of justice;


d)   To direct the respondents to pay compensation, as for the harassment, troubles, loss of business, physical inconvenience and mental agony, suffered by the petitioners from the purported activities and others by the respondents as assessed as 6,00,000/- ( Rupees Six Lakhs ) only to your petitioners;


e)    To grant the cost of the proceedings ;


f)     To grant any other relief or alternate relief to the applicants / petitioners as found out by your Honour, in the facts and circumstances of the Complaint.


25.                That I beg to say that the followings are the particulars of the property, referred in my petition of consumer complaint; SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT piece and parcel of Sali land measuring a total area of 6(Six) Cottahas more or less ( Zone – 7, Unit C110) comprised 5.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag no. 1570, corresponding to R.S. Dag no. 1560 and 0.5 Cottahas in L.R. Dag number 1569 corresponding to R.S. Dag number 1559, L.R. Khatian No. 409, 1177/1, 1059/1, and 197/1, J.L. No. 108, Touji No. 109, within Mouja Sangur, A.D.S.R. and P.S. Sonarpur, Pratap Nagar Gram panchayat, District 24 – Parganas South, butted and bounded as ON THE NORTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1563, ON THE SOUTH : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559, ON THE EAST : land under R.S. Dag No. 1559 & 1560, in terms of the Agreement for Sale dated 17th day of October’ 2012, with all amenities, and conversion, and mutation should perused by the respondents.


26.                That I beg to say that the facts contained in my application, the contents of which have not been repeated herein for the sake of brevity may be read as an integral part of this affidavit and are true and correct to my knowledge.











I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly verify that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge, and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.


Verified this ………….the day of …………….2022, at the Baruipur, South 24 Parganas.






                                                                   Identified by me,



Prepared in my Chamber,



Dated :……………2022.

Place : Baruipur, South 24 Parganas.