Gram Nyayalas:
Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008 has been enacted to provide for
establishment of Gram Nyayalayas at the Inter
Mediate Panchayat level by State Governments in consultation with
respective High Courts so that speedy and affordable justice could be provided
to the common man at his doorsteps. The Act has come into force w.
e. f. 2nd October, 2009.
As per the
information available, till beginning of December 2012 a total of 168
Gram Nyayalyas have been notified by 7 States namely Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Goa of which 151 have
become operational. The difficulties faced by the States in setting up of
Gram Nyayalayas were discussed in the meeting of Law / Home
Secretaries of the States and Registrar Generals of the High Courts in New
Delhi on 19-20 April, 2012.
A meeting to
discuss the issues pertaining to Gram Nyayalayas was convened by the
Prime Minister’s Office on 16.10.2012. Considering that implementation of
Gram Nyayalayas Act is a thrust area of the Government, it was
decided that issues effecting the implementation of the scheme may be placed
before the Chief Justice of India and Chief Justice of the High
Courts in the meeting to be convened shortly. It is pertinent to mention here
that complete implementation of GramNyayalaya scheme would result in
addition of around 5,000 courts at intermediate panchayat level
affording quick and inexpensive justice for common man.