Thursday, September 28, 2023

Petition for paper publication in probate proceeding


District : South 24 Parganas

In the Court of the Learned District Judge, at Alipore, South 24 Parganas

Act 39 Probate Case no. 73 of 2023


                                                          In the matter of ;

An application for grant of probate of the “Will” of Jayaraman Visalakshi, Wife of Late Subramanian Jayaraman, since deceased under Section 276 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925;


-      AND –


Shri Ashok Kumar Singh,


Petition for Paper Publication;

The humble petition on behalf of the applicant above named;


Most respectfully sheweth as under;


1.   That Jayaraman Visalakshi, Wife of Late Subramanian Jayaraman, died on 31-01-2023, at Deeshari Enclave, Flat No. 2B, 2nd Floor, 55/3, Kalikapur Road, Police Station – Garfa, Kolkata – 700099, District South 24 Parganas. The writing annexed, is her last “Will” and testament, which was duly executed by the said testator and it was also duly attested. The said Testator, at the time of her death, had her fixed abode at Deeshari Enclave, Flat No. 2B, 2nd Floor, 55/3, Kalikapur Road, Police Station – Garfa, Kolkata – 700099, District South 24 Parganas, which is within the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.



2.   That Jayaraman Visalakshi, Wife of Late Subramanian Jayaraman, executed her Last “Will” on 15th day of December’ 2019, thereby revoking her earlier “Will” made on 30th September’ 2013, which was registered in Book –III, CD Volume number 1, Pages from 1723 to 1734, Being no. 00175 for the Year 2013, before the office of the D.S.R. – I, South 24 Parganas. The “Will” dated 15th day of December’ 2019, is her last will and testament of the testator.


3.   That the applicant is an Executor to the said “Will”.


4.   That the said Testator/ deceased left her surviving the following; According to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 :-


Sl. No.

Name, Father Name, & Address

Relationship with the deceased/ testator


Ramesh Jayaraman, Son of Late Subramanian Jayaraman, residing at D802 802A, Lunkad Sky Lounge, Lane No. 7, Kalayani Nagar, Pune – 411006, Mobile : 9820303220, Email:


Elder Son


Gowri Gopalan, Wife of Ramesh Jayaraman, residing at D802 802A, Lunkad Sky Lounge, Lane No. 7, Kalayani Nagar, Pune – 411006, Mobile : 9158383300, Email:

Elder Daughter-in-Law


Jayaraman Suresh, Son of Late Subramanian Jayaraman, residing at Flat 2C, 2nd Floor, “DEESHARI ENCLAVE”, 55/3, Kalikapur Road, (Prince Park), Kolkata – 700099, Mobile : 9331272912, Email:


Younger Son


Sandhya Suresh, Wife of Jayaraman Suresh, residing at Flat 2C, 2nd Floor, “DEESHARI ENCLAVE”, 55/3, Kalikapur Road, (Prince Park), Kolkata – 700099, Mobile : 9830173091, Email:

Younger Daughter-in-Law


5.   That to the best of your Petitioner’s belief no application has been made to any other Court for Probate of the said “Will” or for the Letter of Administration, in respect of the estate left by the Testator/ Deceased.


6.   That the surviving persons of the deceased Testator have been appeared and given their consent upon receipt of summons/ notices, issued by this Learned Court and the same is on record in the present proceeding before this Learned Court.


7.   That even though the necessaries parties appeared in the present proceeding, it is necessary to publish Public Notice in the daily News Paper widely circulated.


8.   That in the given situation your applicant seeks publication of Public Notice in the daily News Paper widely circulated about the present proceeding.


9.   That this instant application is made bona-fide and for the end of Justice.

In the above mentioned, circumstances, your Petitioner prays that your Honour may graciously be pleased to allow this application as to publication of Public Notice in the daily News Paper widely circulated about the present proceeding, in the interest of administration of Justice, and/ or to pass such other necessary order or orders as your Honour may deem, fit, and proper, for the end of Justice.


And for this act of kindness, your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.




I, Ashok Kumar Singh, being the applicant above named, do hereby declare that what is stated in the foregoing paragraph of this instant petition herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I sign this verification as on this ________the day of September’ 2023, at Alipore Judges’ Court premises, Alipore, Kolkata – 700027, District South 24 Parganas.



Signature of the Applicant

























Affidavit of Shri Ashok Kumar Singh, Son of Shri Ramakant Singh, aged about 49 years, by faith Hindu, by Occupation Advocate, residing at Premises being no. 100, Ramkrishna Nagar, Garia, Kolkata – 700084, District – South 24 Parganas, Mobile : 9883070666, Email : ;


I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under;

1.   That I am applicant in the above referred case, thoroughly conversant with the facts and circumstances of the present case. I am competent to swear this affidavit.


2.   That the facts contained in my accompanying petition for probate, the contents of which have not been repeated herein for the sake of brevity may be read as an integral part of this affidavit and are true and correct to my knowledge.






I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly verify that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein.

Verified this the              day of September, 2023




Identified by me,



Prepared in my Chamber,



Date : _______September’ 2023;

Place : Alipore Judges’ Court


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