Friday, March 24, 2023

Writ Petition under article 226 of the Constitution of India / High Court Calcutta


 DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.






W.P.A. No.               of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;




                                                          In the matter of:


Kamal Sardar, Son of Year Ali Sardar, aged about 42 years, residing at Jagannathpur Bhangi Para, Post Office – Ramkrishna Pally, Police Station – Narendrapur, Kolkata – 700150, District – South 24 Parganas, Mobile Number : 7980637121.





1)   The State of West Bengal, Service through the Secretary, Department of Urban Development & Municipal Affair, having it’s office at Nagarayan Bhavan, Block DF 8, Sector I, Salt Lake City, Second Avenue, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700064.


2)   Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 27, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Post Office – Harinavi, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin – 700148.


3)   The Chairman, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 27, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Post Office – Harinavi, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin – 700148.


4)   The Vice Chairman, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 27, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Post Office – Harinavi, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin – 700148.



5)   The Councilor for Ward no. 8, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 27, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Post Office – Harinavi, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin – 700148.


6)   The Assistant Engineer in Charge PWD, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 27, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Post Office – Harinavi, Police Station – Sonarpur, District – South 24 Parganas, Pin – 700148.


7)   The Sub-Assistant Engineer, Local Office Engineer-in-Charge, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having office at Premises being no. 149, Haridhan Chakraborty Sarani, Khirishtala, Police Station – Sonarpur, Kolkata – 700150, District – South 24 Parganas.


8)   The Geotechnical Engineer, Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality, having its office at Premises being no. 149, Haridhan Chakraborty Sarani, Khirishtala, Police Station – Sonarpur, Kolkata – 700150, District – South 24 Parganas.


9)   The Officer in Charge of Police, Naredrapur Police Station, Kamalgazi More, Naredrapur, Kolkata – 700103, District South 24 Parganas.




10)        M/s. Devaloke Developers Limited, having its Registered Office at Premises being no. 82, Garia Main Road, Mahamayatala, Post Office Garia, Police Station – Narendrapur, Kolkata – 700084. Email :

    ______Private Respondents





The Hon’ble Prakash Shrivastava, Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble Court.


The humble petition of the petitioner above named most respectfully;



1.      That the Petitioner is Citizen of India, and has been residing at the address given in the cause title of the application.


2.      That a plot of land measuring about 29 decimals under C.S. Dag no. 438, R.S. Dag no. 438, L.R. Dag no. 480, R.S. Khatian no. 120, under Mouza – Jaganathpur, Police Station – Sonarpur, at present Naredrapur, District – South 24 Parganas is a joint property wherein the petitioner is one of the co-sharers. For getting his share the petitioner has filed a partition suit, being T.S. no. 112 of 2022, before the Learned Civil Judge ( Senior Division) at Baruipur, South 24 Parganas. The said Suit is pending before the Learned Court below. The Private respondent has been made a party to the said suit since they have encroached the said joint property of the petitioner. The Learned Court below has been pleased to grant ad-interim order of injunction by order dated 08-03-2022. With extension, the said order is still continuing.


Photostat copy of the said order of ad-interim injunction, and plaint in the partition suit are annexed herewith and marked as Annexure “P-1” Collectively.


3.      That the Private respondent being a Developer has started construction in the name and style “Devaloke Sonar City” by encroaching the land of the petitioner, which is yet to be partitioned by the Learned Court below.


4.      That the Record of right stands in the name of predecessors in interest of the petitioner. Neither the petitioner nor his predecessors transferred any portion of the aforestated plot of land in favour of any body.


Leave may be granted to produce a copy of the record of rights, if required, before the Hon’ble Court at the time of hearing of the Writ Petition.


5.      That the concerned respondents being Rajpiur Sonarpur Municipality has sanctioned a building plan, for Development of plots of Land including that of the petitioner without getting no objection of the petitioner.


6.      That the Petitioner having seen development work on the suit plot of land belonging to the petitioner and his co-sharers, has made a representation before the respondents, praying for stoppage of construction work being made by the private respondent. Surprisingly, the said respondents, even after getting notice, are allowing the private respondent to continue the illegal work for which the petitioner is facing irreparable loss and injury.


Photostat copy of the said representation is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure “P-2”.


7.      That the petitioner states and submits that the concerned respondent, cannot allow the private respondent to continue its construction work on the plot of land belonging to the petitioner and his co-sharers.


8.      That the Petitioner states and submits that the concerned respondent being statutory body has no authority to sanctioned building plan on a plot of land which does not belong to the private respondent. Inspite of having knowledge about such illegality, the respondent are sitting tight over the issue which is patently wrong and therefore illegal.


9.      That the Petitioner states and submits that a civil suit is pending wherein the private respondent is a party. The Civil Court has already passed an order of ad-interim injunction; still the private respondent is continuing with the illegal construction work. The concerned respondent has been intimated about the interim order of the Learned Court below, inspite of that the private respondent is being allowed to continue with illegal construction work, which will affect the suit.


10.  That the Petitioner states and submits that the respondents must appreciate that they have committed wrong in sanctioning building plan in favour of the private respondent. As such they must restrained the private respondent immediately in continuing the construction work.


11.  The petitioner being aggrieved and dissatisfied with the action on the part of the respondent concerned begs to move the instant application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India on the following amongst other:-




I.             For that the concerned respondent, cannot allow the private respondent to continue its construction work on the plot of land belonging to the petitioner and his co-sharers;


II.           For that the concerned respondent being statutory body has no authority to sanctioned building plan on a plot of land which does not belong to the private respondent. Inspite of having knowledge about such illegality, the respondent are sitting tight over the issue which is patently wrong and therefore illegal;


III.          For that a civil suit is pending wherein the private respondent is a party. The Civil Court has already passed an order of ad-interim injunction; still the private respondent is continuing with the illegal construction work. The concerned respondent has been intimated about the interim order of the Learned Court below, inspite of that the private respondent is being allowed to continue with illegal construction work, which will affect the suit;


IV.         For that the respondents must appreciate that they have committed wrong in sanctioning building plan in favour of the private respondent. As such they must restrained the private respondent immediately in continuing the construction work.






12.   That the petitioner states that the records of the instant case are lying outside the ordinary original jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Court.


13.  That the petitioner states that the petitioner have made complaints to the municipal authorities for immediate redressal of the grievances but no steps have been taken by the municipal authority till date as such, a demand seeking justice would be an empty formality.


14.  That the petitioner humbly submits that there is no other remedy available to it and the prayers as made herein, if allow shall redress the petitioner’s grievances effectively.


15.  That the petitioner states that due to paucity of time some facts may not have been incorporated and your petitioner craves leave to file supplementary affidavit and your petitioner further crave leave to produce and refer to relevant papers/ documents at the time of hearing by way of filling a supplementary affidavit.


16.  That this application is made bona fide and in the interest of justice.



In the circumstances the petitioner most humbly prays before the Hon’ble Court that Your lordships’ would graciously be pleased to pass the following orders:-




a)    A writ in the nature of mandamus directing the concerned respondent authorities their men, agents and subordinates to cancel the sanctioned building plan issued in favour of the Private respondent;


b)    A writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondent authorities their men, agents and subordinates to stop immediately the construction work being carried out by the private respondent, and to restore the land of the petitioner and his co-sharers to its original position, as it was there, till such began;


c)    A writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondent authorities their men, agents and subordinates immediately initiate an appropriate proceeding against the private respondents for raising unlawful, illegal and unauthorized construction;


d)   A writ in the nature of mandamus directing the concerned respondent authorities their men, agents and subordinates to take appropriate penal action as against the private respondents in accordance with law on the complaint already made in this behalf;


e)    A writ in the nature of certiorari directing the respondent to produce all relevant records before the Hon’ble Court for proper adjudication;


f)     Rule NISI in terms of prayers (a) to (d) above.


g)    An ad-interim order to stop the unlawful, illegal and unauthorized construction at the premises of the petitioner, till the disposal of the instant writ application.


h)   An appropriate order directing the respondent authorities to file a report in this regard before the Hon’ble Court.


i)     Such other or further order or orders as your Lordships may deem fit and proper.


And the petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.























I, Sri Kamal Sardar, Son of Year Ali Sardar, aged about 42 years, by faith Muslim, by Occupation Business, residing at Jagannathpur Bhangi Para, Post Office – Ramkrishna Pally, Police Station – Narendrapur, Kolkata – 700150, District – South 24 Parganas, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:


1.       That I am the petitioner of this application and I am well acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.


2. That the statements made in paragraph No. 1,2,3,5,6, & 7, are true to my knowledge and those made in paragraphs   4,8, & 9, are true to my information derived from the records of the case and rest paragraphs are my respectful submission before this Hon’ble Court.



Prepared in my office                           The deponent is known to me


                 Advocate                                Clerk to: Mr.                                                                                                                        Advocate

Solemnly affirmed before me

on this the       day of June, 2022.


I certify that all annexures

are legible.




DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.





W.P.A. No.                of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;


In the matter of:

Sri Kamal Sardar



The State of West Bengal & Ors.








Bar Association, Room No.15,

High Court, Calcutta.

(M) 9883070666.

Email :

DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.





W.P.A. No.                  of 2022;

In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;


Subject matter relating to-


Under Group    V , Head           , of the Classification List;


Cause title


Sri Kamal Sardar



The State of West Bengal & Ors.





Bar Association Room No.15,

High Court, Calcutta.

Mobile Number : 9883070666,

Email :

DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.





W.P.A. No.               of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;


In the matter of:

Sri Kamal Sardar



The State of West Bengal & Ors.





Sl. No.

Description of Documents


Page No.



Writ Petition




order of ad-interim injunction, and plaint in the partition suit




Representation of the Petitioner









DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.





W.P.A. No.                      of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;


In the matter of:

Sri Kamal Sardar



The State of West Bengal & Ors.






The Private respondent has been sanctioned building plan for construction on a plot of land which does not belong to him. The petitioner being one of the co-sharers of the suit plot of land, never gave no objection to anybody. As such his property cannot be developed by the Private respondent, which the respondent must appreciate.









03-03-2022          illegal & unauthorized construction and erection of structure started by the private respondents

08-03-2022           Partition Suit filed

08-03-2022           Order of ad-interim injunction

30-05-2022          Representation by the petitioner

Till date                The private respondent is carrying on with the said unlawful, illegal and unauthorized construction.





















DISTRICT : South 24 Parganas.





W.P.A. No.                      of 2022;


In the matter of:

An application under Article 226 of the Constitution of India;


In the matter of:

Sri Kamal Sardar



The State of West Bengal & Ors.




03-03-2022          illegal & unauthorized construction and erection of structure started by the private respondents

08-03-2022           Partition Suit filed

08-03-2022           Order of ad-interim injunction

30-05-2022          Representation by the petitioner

Till date                The private respondent is carrying on with the said unlawful, illegal and unauthorized construction.










Whether the respondents can sanctioned building plan in favour of the private respondent on a plot of law which is owned by the petitioner and other co-sharers ?

Whether pendency of a suit for partition wherein the private respondent is a party can stop illegal construction by the private respondent ?




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