“Countries and Nations which do not respect women have never become great nor will ever be in future” so said Swami Vivekananda. Now even after 70-years of independence women are still exploited and harassed by our man dominated society which is the shameful side of the country . In one hand people regard women as DEVI (goddess) on the other hand we burn them alive .it is not expected from a civilised society. It is undeniable that dowry is the most challenging issue in our society. Dowry is the curse to our society and crime against humanity. A significant numbers of death are taking place on daily basis as a result of dowry.
In order to understand the problem of dowry we need to first understand the definition of dowry which is defined u/s -2 of the Dowry prohibition Act 1961. Which says:- dowry means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly –
(a) by
one party to a marriage to the other party to a marriage ; or
(b) by
the persons of either party to a marriage
or by any other person ,to either party to the marriage or to any other
at or before or
any time after the marriages in connection with the marriage of said parties
but does not include dower or mahr in case of persons to whom the Muslim
personal law (shariat) applies.
This act prohibits the practice of giving or taking
of dowry and also punishes demanding and advertisement of dowry. But in spite
of all such provisions the violation of this act taking place frequently in the
society. The consequence of demerits of dowry includes unhappy marriage life,
late marriage, domestic violence, cruelty, suicide and large number of dowry
deaths. The lack of education,
inadequate law, narrow mentality, son preference, cultural practice, alcoholism
and physical structure of the women play the vital role of for existence of
dowry. Numerous studied have constantly found that in India majority of the
peoples are illiterate , poor and
exploited where violation of women rights are bound to be more; but where the
people are educated , advanced ,they are likely to be less prone to in human
treatment and exploitation.
Apart from the various schemes, Rules, Regulations,
Notifications, Acts launched by the government still in many area continued to
fall short with respect of legal reform and implementation. Government still need to pay more attention
towards their laws and policies and check whether it is properly carried out.
The role of women commission is appreciable .The commission has grabbed the
problem a little but cannot be blamed for its failure as the entire society is involved
in this violence.
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