Monday, April 3, 2023

Written Statement in Summary Suit by the Opposite Party




SUMMARY SUIT NO.               OF 2023


(Under Order XXXVII, Rule 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908)


                                                          In the matter of ;

M/s. Viva Composite Panel Private Limited,


-      Versus –

Mr. Ramchandra Shaw,

                      _____Opposite Party


Written Statement of the Opposite Party;


The humble petition of the Opposite Party, most respectfully;


Sheweth as under ;


1.   That this Opposite Party is in receipt of Notice from Mediation Centre, 3rd Floor, City Civil & Session Court, Dindoshi, General Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400097, which is a copy with the Petition under Order XXXVII, Rule 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure Code 1908. This Opposite Party astonished on receipt of such notice and copy of the said alleged summary suit lodged against this Opposite Party.


2.   That this Opposite Party states that this Opposite Party is not acquainted and conversant with the applicant M/s. Viva Composite Panel Private Limited. This Opposite Party never entered into any transaction with the applicant. This opposite party did not deal with the alleged item of the applicant.


3.   That this Opposite Party states that this Opposite Party has never approached the applicant in any year including the year 2020. This opposite party was never interested to do business with the applicant and did never have any desire to purchase the Aluminum composite sheets. This opposite party is not dealing with any business of the alleged Aluminum composite sheets. Therefore the alleged business transaction is false and frivolous, as given by the applicant.


4.   That this Opposite Party did not purchase any Aluminum composite sheets, thus the order, challan, and invoice related to that are all baseless, false and frivolous.


5.   That this Opposite Party was not in any receipt of the notices, as allegedly described by the applicant. If the opposite party was in receipt of the notices as alleged by the applicant, this opposite party could sufficiently answered on the same, at the earliest available opportunity.


6.   That this Opposite Party lodged a General Diary with the concerned Police Station regarding loss of his Cheque Book, including Cheque number 856877, and therefore giving any cheque in favour of the applicant does not arise. The opposite party did not cause any transaction with the applicant.


7.   That this opposite party states that the applicant fraudulently placed the present suit against the opposite party for its wrongful gain.


8.   That this Opposite Party states very specifically in the following;


(a)  This Opposite Party was not in receipt of the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(b)  This Opposite Party have no iota or knowledge about the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(c)  This Opposite Party did never place any order to the applicant about the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(d)  This Opposite Party do not have any knowledge about the applicant and its business;

(e)  This Opposite Party was not contacted by any representative of the applicant;

(f)   This Opposite Party was not in any receipt of the notices as allegedly described by the applicant;

(g)  This Opposite Party was not given any cheque to the applicant;

(h) This opposite party has no business relation with the applicant as allegedly described;

(i)   This Opposite Party did not give any cheque to the applicant;

(j)   This opposite party already lodged General Diary Entry with the concerned Police Station regarding loss of Cheque which include Cheque number 856877;

(k)  The present suit has been lodged fraudulently by the applicant to enrich its wrongful gain;


9.   That this Opposite Party denied of any payment of alleged outstanding of Rs. 2,72,648/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Seventy Two Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Eight Only), along with interest @ 18% p.a. and any other payment, so far, as may be described by the applicant.


10.                That the Plaint is not maintainable in its present form, either in terms of Law or in terms of the fact.


11.                That the Plaint is speculative, harassing, motivated and barred by the Principle of Law and hence it is liable to be rejected at once, inlimnie.


12.                That the Plaint is suffering from suppression of material facts, and therefore liable to be dismissed at once, with exemplary cost.


13.                That the Plaint is suffering from any legal demand and thereby cause of action, the plaint is motivated and without any jurisdiction.


14.                That the Opposite Party do not admit the allegations made in the plaint to be true and save and except those that are specifically admitted he put the applicant to the strict proof of the rest.


15.                That the contents of the Plaint are vague and based on after thought concocted story, made out by the applicant to in-clinch issues in its favour, and thus no part of the contents of the plaint has ever been admitted by the opposite party, except those are the matter of records.


16.                That the plaint has been lodged by the applicant against the opposite party with oblique motive to cause several hassle and harassment to this opposite party.


17.                That there is no commercial transaction or any nature of commercial disputes has ever been existed between the opposite party and the applicant, therefore the present summary suit is not maintainable in its present form, before the Learned Court.


18.                That the present summary suit is an endeavor of the fraudulent approach by the applicant against this opposite party for its wrongful gain, therefore the present summary suit is not maintainable in its present form.


19.                Save and except the statements made in the said plaint which are matter of record, the Opposite Party denies each and every allegations contained in the said Plaint and calls upon the applicant to strict proof of the said allegations.


20.                That without waiving any of the aforesaid objections and facts and fully relying thereupon and without prejudice to the same. The Opposite Party now deals with specific paragraphs of the said plaint of the summary suit in seriatim as hereunder.


21.                That with reference to the statements made in paragraph nos. 1, 2, and 3, of the Plaint, this Opposite Party reiterates the above stated facts in preceding paragraph herein above. The Opposite Party states that since there is no transaction in between the Opposite Party and the applicant, the contents whereof in paragraph number 1, 2, and 3, are baseless and of no use to sustain in the entirety of the fact as well as in the Law. This Opposite Party have no knowledge about the applicant, and the Opposite Party has never dealing with the alleged transaction.


22.                That with reference to the statements made in paragraph nos. 4(a), 4(b), 4(c), and 4(d), of the Plaint, this Opposite Party reiterates the above stated facts in preceding paragraph herein above. This Opposite Party states very specifically in the following;


(i)           This Opposite Party was not in receipt of the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(ii)          This Opposite Party have no iota or knowledge about the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(iii)        This Opposite Party did never place any order to the applicant about the alleged Aluminum composite sheets;

(iv)         This Opposite Party do not have any knowledge about the applicant and its business;

(v)          This Opposite Party was not contacted by any representative of the applicant;

(vi)         This Opposite Party was not in any receipt of the notices as allegedly described by the applicant;

(vii)       This Opposite Party was not given any cheque to the applicant;

(viii)     This opposite party has no business relation with the applicant as allegedly described;

(ix)        This Opposite Party did not give any cheque to the applicant;

(x)          This opposite party already lodged General Diary Entry with the concerned Police Station regarding loss of Cheque which include Cheque number 856877;

(xi)        The present suit has been lodged fraudulently by the applicant to enrich its wrongful gain;


23.                That this Opposite Party states that the present Summary Suit is not bonafide against this Opposite Party, and the applicant is not entitled to get any relief in terms of its prayer made therein from this opposite party.


24.                That in the fact and in the law, it is totally evident from the application itself that the applicant made its purported endeavor to put the Learned Court into motion to get its wrongful gains.


25.                That in the facts and in the law, it is totally evident from the application itself that the applicant is trying to miss utilizing the jurisdiction of the Learned Court.


26.                That in the above circumstances, there is no cause of acti9on for the present Summary Suit , against this opposite party, therefore this opposite party accordingly pray that the present Summary Suit be dismissed with Costs.


27.                That in view of the facts that this Opposite Party is victim of the purported alleged allegations and wrongful demand, the Opposite Party hereby seeking compensation as of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only, for harassment, and mental anxiety, arising from the situation of the present proceeding by the applicant, against this opposite party, before the Learned Court.


28.                That the applicant neither has any cause of action nor the basis for filling the present Summary Suit and the applicant’s plaint is entirely baseless and misconceived and deserve to be dismissed on this ground alone.


29.                That the Plaint is false, frivolous and vexatious and has been filed with mala-fide intention and as such deserves to be dismissed with special exemplary costs.


30.                That in the given circumstances, and enumerated facts, this opposite party seeking the dismissal of the plaint filed by the applicant, with exemplary cost.


31.                That this Opposite Party crave leave to produce any other necessary documents and or papers, in the present Summary Suit proceeding at the time of hearing and or placing the Evidence on Affidavit, before the Learned Court, in the interest of administration of justice.


32.                That unless the Learned Court accept the Written Statement of the Opposite Party, this Opposite Party will highly prejudice and suffer with irreparable loss and injury thereof.


33.                That preponderance of balance of convenience and inconveniences are in favour of the Opposite Party, and the applicant will not prejudice.


34.                That this application is made bonafide, and in the interest of administration of Justice.


It is therefore prayed that your Honour would graciously be pleased to accept the written statement of this opposite party and to dismissed the present Summary Suit, in the interest of administration of Justice, and or to pass such other necessary order or orders, as your Honour may deem, fit and proper for the end of Justice.


And for this act of kindness, the Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.





I, Sri Ramchandra Shaw, being the Opposite Party, in the present Summary Suit, placed the written statement in the Summary Suit lodged by the applicant. I am conversant and acquainted with the material fact of the present Summary Suit, as derived from the copy of the suit, etc. I  sign and verify the petition on ______April’ 2023, at Kolkata.












I, Ramchandra Shaw, Son of Kapil Shaw, aged about _____years, by faith Hondu, by Occupation Unemployed, residing at Purba Baidyapara, Rajpur Sonarpur, 24 Parganas South, Sonarpur, Kolkata – 700150, do hereby solemnly affirm and says as follows;


1.   That I am the Opposite Party as shown in the present Summary Suit lodged by the applicant. I am competent to swear this affidavit. I am conversant and acquainted with the material facts as derived from the contents of the alleged Summary Suit.


2.   That the statement of Paragraph no. ____to _____ are true to my knowledge and belief and the rests are my humble submissions before the Learned Court.


The statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.




Identified by me,





Prepared in my Chamber,





Dated : ________April’ 2023;

Place : Kolkata



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