Saturday, November 25, 2023

an application for injunction





District: South 24 parganas


                                                      Title suit no.                 of 2015


                                                          TAPAN KUMAR CHAKRABARTI

                                                    Son of Late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty

                                                    Residing at Durganagar Station Road,

                                                    Madhya  Durganagar, Railway Gate No. 4,           

                                                    P.O. Rabindranagar, P.S.Nimta,                          

                                                    Kolkata- 700065                                                                                                            

                                                                                         ……………. Plaintiff



                                                  2. SRI SOVAN CHAKRABORTY

                                                      Son of Late Abani Mohan Chakraborty

                                                      Residing at 26/A,Bhupendra Nath Bose

                                                      Avenue, Northern Portion,P.S. Shyampukar,


                                                      Kolkata- 700004 & office address is

                                                      URBI Prakashak, 28/5, Convent Road

                                                      Kolkata- 700014

                                                                            …………………. Defendant No.1

                                                 2.   SRI SAILEN SADHUKHAN

                                                        Son of late Kartick Sadhukhan

                                                        4A, Shyam Square South

                                                        Kolkata- 700003

                                                                                  ……………….. Defendant No.2
















                      AN APPLICATION UNDER ORDER 39 RULE 1 AND 2


                          READ WITH SECTION 151 OF THE C.P.CODE


                                                                               The humble petition on behalf

                                                                               of the Plaintiff abovenamed.

      Most respectfully sheweth :-


1.     That your petitioner/plaintiff has filed the instant case for declaration and injunction against the defendants on the grounds as stated in the plaint.


2.     That in nutshell the facts of the case is described below.


3.     That the plaintiff’s father late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty was the sole tenant of the suit premises 26/A (old no.26/3), Bhupendra Nath Bose Avenue, Kolkata- 700004, consisting three storied building since 1944 where the land lord was Late Kartick Chandra Sadhukhan, who issued bills in favour of your plaintiff’s father and after the demise of the said land lord his son Sri Sailen Sadhukhan is the present land lord, who also issued bills in favour of late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty, where the rent amount was Rs. 50/(Rupees fifty only) per month and the land lord/Defendant no.2 does not reside the suit premises, he reside at 4A,Shyam Square South, Kolkata- 700003. Xerox copies of rent receipt are annex herewith as “A”,”A1”,”A3”,”A4”,”A5” and “A6”


4.     That late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty resided the suit premises with his family and also he verbally allowed his two brothers namely Sri Hari Charan Chakraborty(at present deceased) and Sri Abani Chakrabarty(at present deceased) for residing the said premises with their family and for that reason late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty, elder brother lived in the first floor of the said premises with his family whereas late Hari Charan Chakrabarty lived in the ground floor and late Abani Mohan Chakrabarty lived in the second floor of the said premises with his family.


5.     That said Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty died on 09.072007 leaving behind his successors namely Sri Tapan Chakrabarty/Plaintiff, Smt.Aparna Upadhyay(Daughter) and Smt. Indrani Chakrabarty(Daughter). Xerox copy of death certificate is annex herewith as “B”.











6.     That after demise of late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty his son Sri Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty/here Plaintiff is the sole tenant of entire three storied building of premises no. 26/A (old no.26/3), Bhupendra Nath Bose Avenue, Kolkata- 700004, and he was resided there with his family on the first floor and ground floor because after demise of his uncle namely Sri Hari Charan Chakrabarty, his family handover the possession i.e. ground floor to your plaintiff whereas his another uncle Sri Abani Mohan Chakrabarty died on 07.01.2003 and his son namely Sri Sovan Chakrabarty/ here defendant occupied the second floor of the said premises with his family.


7.     That your plaintiff’s father had been maintained the full tenanted premises and land lord Sri Sailen Sadhukhan issued the rent receipt in favour of late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty because late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty always paid the rent amount Rs.50/-(Rupees fifty only) per month regularly in the year of 30.12.2003 and after that due to his illness late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty does not paid his rent regularly and after his death your plaintiff always tried to pay his rent to the landlord/Defendant no.2 bur every time your landlord/Defendant no.2 refuse to accept the rent from your plaintiff because his intention was bad because he want to evict your plaintiff by any cost.


8.     That due to the bad condition of the said premises your plaintiff’s father late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty  arrange a separate mess for repairing purpose on his residential portion of the aforesaid house i.e. first floor and ground floor and for that reason he shifted his family at 122/3,Roy Bahadur Road, Behala, Kolkata- 700034 and after that he shifted at Durganagar Station Road, Madhya  Durganagar, Railway Gate No. 4, P.O. Rabindranagar, P.S.Nimta, Kolkata- 700065 by purchasing a flat where your plaintiff’s father and mother left their last breath. That after when your plaintiff return back to the suit premises for repair his portion then his younger uncle’s son namely Sri Sovan Chakrabarty here defendant No.1forcefully restrained to your plaintiff for entering to his room and the defendant no.1 kept the main gate locked and tried to encroach the plaintiffs residential portion not only that but also your defendant No.1 tried to forcibly encroach the total building and for that reason he approached himself before the landlord for his tenancy right but the landlord refused him because he has no right to declare himself as tenant of the aforesaid suit premises because after demise of late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty his only son Sri Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty here plaintiff is only the sole tenant of the suit premises which has mentioned below.                  











9.     The plaintiff submits that after demise of his father i.e. late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty till this date he is the only tenant of the suit premises and where the landlord is Sri Sailen Sadhukhan and the defendant no.1 knows everything but due to absence of your plaintiff the defendant no.1 tried to grab the whole tenanted portion and for that reason he restrained your plaintiff in various manner.


10.                        That plaintiff being a peace loving citizen asked the defendant for the reason behind of his such an unwanted behavior, then the truth come out, the defendant revealed that he wanted to make an tenancy agreement with the landlord but the landlord here the defendant no.2 refuses with a plea that  late Kshetra Mohan Chakrabarty was the only tenant of the suit premises and after his death his only son Sri Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty is the present tenant and for that reason the defendant no.1 becomes angry and now he will take revenge.


11.                        The plaintiff tried to settle up the dispute and made various request to the defendants to stop creating disturbance to the free egress and ingress of the plaintiff in his rented house i.e. suit premises and not to keeps the main gate locked but in every time the defendant no.1 refuse your plaintiff request with filthy language and still now he restrained your plaintiff to enter his rented portion by illegal way and day by day his wrongful act has increase.


12.                         That on 29.01.2015  when plaintiff tried to enter his rented portion i.e. suit premises the defendant no.1 obstruct him illegally whereas your defendant has no right, title and interest over the suit premise because he occupied the suit premises illegally and his status is like a tress passer.


13.                         That after the plaintiff informs the matter to the local P.S. Shyampukar by a written complaint and the said complaint duly received by the said P.S.                                        dated  09.02.2015    but the defendant did not bother to stop his wrongful act whereas day by day his wrongful act is going to be increased.


14.                         That the plaintiff peaceful possession is being threatened with dispossession and as such in order to permanent injunction restraining the defendants from disturbing the plaintiff peaceful possession and dispossession forcibly from the said schedule premises/ suit property  and further restraining the defendants to stop creating disturbance to the free egress and ingress of the plaintiff in his rented house i.e. suit premises and not to keeps the main gate locked over the suit premises should be passed till disposal of the suit.








15.                         That the aforesaid facts done by the defendant no.1 and defendant no.2 and also starting their illegal act is the reason than that your plaintiff was dispossession on his rented portion of the suit premises. And that also in reason your plaintiff has declared that he is the absolute tenant of the suit premises i.e. 26/A old no.26/3 Bhupendra Nath Bose Avenue, Kolkata- 700004.


16.                         That there is urgency to file the suit as well as the petition for injunction.


17.                         That the balance of convenience and inconvenience are entirely in favour of the plaintiff.


18.                         That the plaintiff has got prima facie case to file the instant petition for injunction.


19.                         That if the injunction is not granted in favour of the plaintiff, he will suffer irreparable loss and injury.



                                             It is therefore humbly prayed that your

                                             Honour may be pleased to pass an order

                                             of injunction.


                                                                                                              i.             Restraining the defendants and their man

agent from disturbing and/or trying to

occupy the plaintiffs rented portion.


                                                                                                            ii.             Restraining the defendants and their man

agent from disturbing and/or encroach

illegally to the plaintiffs rented portion over the

suit premises without by due process of law.


                                                                                                          iii.            Restraining the defendants to stop creating

disturbance to the free egress and ingress

of the plaintiff in his rented house.


                                                                                                         iv.            Restraining the defendants from changing the

nature and character of the suit property in

any manner whatsoever.


And an ad-interim order of injunction in terms

of the above effect and to pass such other order or orders as your Honour may deem fit

and proper.


And for this your petitioner, as in duty bound shall ever pray.









ALL THAT piece and parcel of premises No. at present 26/A (old no.26/3) Bhupendra Nath Bose Avenue, ( consisting three storied building),Police Station- Shyampukar, Kolkata- 700004, under Kolkata Municipal Corporation.






I, Sri Tapan Kumar Chakrabarti son of late Kshetra Mohan Chakraborty, aged about  62 years, by faith- Hindu, by occupation- Service, residing at Durganagar Station Road, Madhya  Durganagar, Railway Gate No. 4, P.O. Rabindranagar, P.S. Nimta, Kolkata- 700065, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:-


1.     That I am the plaintiff in the instant suit and as such am well conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case.


                                                       This is true to my knowledge.


2.     That the statements made in the foregoing paragraphs 1 to 19 above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and the rest thereof are my humble submission before this learned Court.






                                                               Readover, explained in Bengali

                                                               and Identified by me.







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