Saturday, November 25, 2023

Written Statement in MACC Case






                                                            MACC CASE No. 33 of 2013

                                                          Ansura Mallick @ Ansura Bibi



                                                           1. Bhim Chandra Naskar

                                                                                   ……………..Opp.Party No.1

                                                           2.National Insurance Co.Ltd.

                                                                                   ………………Opp.Party No.2

The Opposite Party No.2 National Insurance Co.Ltd. files their Written Statement in the above case with the statements as to following :-


1.     That there is no cause of action as against this Opposite Party and this Ld.Tribunal lacks jurisdiction in entertaining the present claim application.


2.     That the claim is barred by the principal of estoppels, waiver, and acquiescence.


3.     That the claim is barred by limitation.


4.     That the claim is bad for misjoinder of unnecessary parties and non-joinder of necessary parties inasmuch as the name of the insurer of other vehicle and details insurance policy thereof have not been disclosed in the claim application.


5.     That so far this instant is concerned, this Ld.Tribunal lacks jurisdiction to try and decide the case continuance of the case in this ld. Tribunal would lead it to the failure of justice in this case.


6.     That the claimant is bound to prove the statement made in the claim application independent of any defect and/or deficit on the part of the Ops.





7.     That the claimant must prove the case supported by lawful papers and documents that are legally admissible.


8.     That the claim petition has not been supported by any documents required under rule 329 of the W.B.M.V.Rules, 1989.


9.     That the statements made in paragraphs no.1,2,3,4,5 & 6 of the application all are denied by this opposite party no.2 and the applicant shall produce voter identity card, certificate and other documents in connection with age, income etc. of the victim and the applicant is put to strict legal proof thereof.


10.                        That the allegations made in Paragraph 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13,14 and 23 of the claims petition is not admitted by the answering Opp.Party. All such allegations are baseless, misleading and are not specific. This opposite party no.2 denies and dispute that due to rash and negligent driving on the part of the driver of the said offending

Vehicle no.WB-20X-1874(M/C) occurred an accident on 16.12.2012 at about 7.35 hours and also denied that due to the said accident as alleged the victim injured. This opposite party also submit before your Honours court that the victim Ansura Mllick @ Ansura Bibi was walking on the middle of the road  and for that reason the aforesaid incident was done so the victim is sole responsible for this accident.


11.                        That this Opp.Party at present unable to admit whether the interest of Bhim Chandra Naskar, Purbapra, Rghudebpur, Bishnupur, Pin- 700104 in the use of vehicle No. WB-20X-1874(M/C) was insured with this Opp.Party at the material time unless further and better particulars regarding the insurance are disclosed by the claimant, failing which it shall be presumed that this Opp.Party is not the insurer in the instant case and the name of this Opp.Party shall be expunged from the case with compensatory.  


12.                        That this opposite party no.2 submits that if, there is found any discrepancy of the driving license and necessary particulars of the involved vehicle at the material time of accident as alleged due to such reason with no such as stand in law this opposite party no.2 has no liability to pay any compensation to the claimant.








13.                        That with reference to the statements made in paragraph nos.19, 20 and 21 of the said application are all denied by this no.2 and the applicant is put to strict proof of the same.


14.                        That the statements made in the claim application in paragraph no.22 of the said application the amount of compensation as prayed for of the said application is baseless, imaginary and unjustified and excessive and this opposite party no.2 is not liable to pay Rs.3,00,000/- or any portion or cost and interest of it.


15.                         This opposite party no.2 seeks protection under section 142,147 and 149 of the M.V.Act.


16.                        Notwithstanding the right to avoid the liability as stated in the proceeding paragraphs this opposite party no.2 is entitled to contest the case on all or any of the grounds that are available to the owner of the vehicle under any of terms of specified under section 170 of the M.V.Act, 1988 and also under the terms and conditions of the policy of Insurance.


17.                        That this Opposite Part no. 2 craves leave to file an additional and/or amended written statement, if necessary.


18.                        This opposite party no.2 submits that this opposite party has been wrongly imp leaded in this case and its name liable to be expunged.



                                          Hence, it is prayed that for the interest of justice

                                          And equity your Honour would be dismiss the claim

                                          Petition in favour of the answering Opposite Party

                                          No.2 i.e. National Insurance Co. Ltd.












I………………………………………………………………… authorized signatory of National Insurance Co. Ltd., do hereby declare that the statements made in the foregoing Written Statements are true to my information derived from the records of the case available at my office and I verify believe them to be correct.

I, sign this verification at my office on this………… of ………………201



Prepared in my chamber


Snehasish Sutradhar




                                             A  F  F  I  D  A  V  I  T               



I,                                                                     authorized signatory of National Insurance Co. Ltd.of aged  about      years by faith Hindu, by  occupation- Admn.officer,   office address is National Insurance Co. Ltd.,Legal Hub,8,India Exchange Place, 7th Floor, Kolkata- 700001, do  hereby  solemnly  affirm  and  declare  as  follows :-


1.      That  I  am  the  opposite party no.2  of  this  case  and  am  well  conversant  with  the  facts  and  circumstances  of  this  case.

                                                                      This is true to my knowledge.

2.      That  the  statements  made  in  the  paragraph  numbers  1  to  19  of  the  present  petition  are  true  to  my  knowledge  and  belief  and  the  rests  are  my  humble  submission  before  your  Honour’s  Court.




Draft Prepared in my chamber                                       Deponent                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                           Identified by me         

Snehasish Sutradhar                                                

                Advocate                                                                        Advocate










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