Saturday, November 25, 2023

an application for probate




District: 24-Parganas (South)



                                                 Act 39 (PROBATE) Case No.           Of 2014

                                                In the matter of:

                                                ANILA ROYCHOWDHURI, wife of late Nripendra

                                                Narayan Roychowdhuri , lastly Resided at

                                                Premises No. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police

                                                Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082;

                                                                                     …………. Deceased

                                                                        - And –

                                                In the matter of:

                                                An application for grant of Probate under Section 276

                                                of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in respect of last

                                                Will and Testament of the deceased above named with

                                                a copy of the Will annexed;  


                                                In the matter of:

                                                SRI DIPAK ROYCHOWDHURI, son of late Nripendra

                                                Narayan Roychowdhuri , lastly Resided at

                                                Premises No. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police

                                                Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082;

                                                                                   ………….. Petitioner/Executor


                                                    The humble petition on behalf of the Petitioner



Most Restpectfully Sheweth :

1.     That the abovenamed deceased Anila Roychowdhuri, wife of Late Nripendra Narayan Roychowdhuri, since deceased ,was a Hindu governed by Dayabhaga School of Hindu Law.


2.     That the abovenamed deceased Anila Roychowdhuri, wife of Late Nripendra Narayan Roychowdhuri died on 17.10.2001and lastly lastly Resided at Premises No. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082 which was permanent and fixed place of above prior to his death, which is within the jurisdiction of this Learned Court. A copy of the Death Certificate of the said deceased is annexed hereto.



3.     That during his lifetime, the said deceased executed his last Will and Testament typed and written in Bengali Language and Character on 12th January, 1999, where that Will typed by Ratan Gopal Kundu and drafted by Advocate Krishna Saha and the writing annexed hereto is the said original last Will and Testament of Anila Roychowdhuri, since deceased. A copy of the said Will is annexed herewith.


4.     That the said Will was registered by the office of District Sub Registrar- III, being no. 8, book no. III, volume no. 1, pages 58 to 63 in the year of 1999.



5.     The petitioner herein is the elder son of the testator and was appointed by the abovenamed deceased as one of the Executor of the said Will.


6.     The petitioner/ Executor i.e. Sri Dipak Roychowdhury has applied for the said Will and Testa ment of Anila Roychowdhuri, since deceased, before this Learned Court.



7.     That the abovenamed deceased Anila Roychowdhuri leaving behind the following legal representatives and their respective residence and given below, who would have become entitled to his property in case of intestacy:-


Name                                            Address                                       Relation of



1. Sri Dipak Roychowdhury        353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,P.S.     Elder son/

                                                       - Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082      Petitioner


2. Sri Shyama Prasad                  353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,P.S.       Younger son

    Roychowdhury                        - Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082  


3. Smt. Bharati Majumdar         136, Kamrahati, North 24                  Daughter

    w/o Kabi  Majumdar               Parganas  


8.     That, to the best of your petitioner’s belief, no application has as yet been made by anybody to any other Court for Probate of the said Will or for Letter of Administration of the estate of the said deceased.






9.     That the Testator duly executed the said Will on 12.01.1999 in sound health and mind with full testamentary capacity to understand the meaning and true purport  thereof in presence of the attesting witness, namely (i) Bela Kar of 283/1, Matilal Gupta Road, P.O. Haridevpur, Kolkata- 700082, (ii) Dipali Das of 276/N, Matilal Gupta Road, Shib tara Bhawan, Kolkata- 700082 and (iii) Dilip Ghosal of 382, Matilal Gupta Road, Kolkata- 700082, who also duly attested the said Will by putting their respective signatures in presence of the Testator.


10.                          It is pertinent to mention here that at the time of execution and attestation of the said Will besides the Executor and all the aforesaid attesting witnesses including Advocate Ld.Krishna Saha and Typist Ratan Gopal Kundu were present there.



11.                         That all the above attesting witnesses are well wisher of the family of the Testator and had/ have been acquainted with them for a long time.


12.                         That the petitioner being the elder son/ legal heir and Executor of the said Will has the right to apply for and obtain the grant of Probate as per law.



13.                         That the value of the estate of the said deceased within India which are likely to come in the hands of the beneficiaries after the grant of Probate will not exceed Rs.                                   /- only, as it will appear from the Affidavit of Assets affirmed and filed hereto to be relied upon at the time of hearing and your petitioner is ready and willing to pay the maximum Court Fees in respect thereof.


14.                         That except this application no other proceedings for granting the Probate or Letter of Administration of Succession Certificate or any other proceedings was filed anywhere in respect of the instant Will.



15.                         Your petitioner submits that unless the Probate with a copy of the Will annexed is granted to your petitioner of the aforesaid Will to administer the estate of the deceased above named and to deal with the said properties as mentioned in the Schedule of the Affidavit of Assets without furnishing any security the interest of your petitioner will be seriously prejudiced and your petitioner will irreparable loss and injury.


16.                         That instant application is made bonafide and for the ends of justice.



                                              It is therefore, humbly prayed that your Honour

                                              may be pleased to grant Probate of the last Will

                                              and Testament dated 12.01.1999, executed by

                                              Anila Roychowdhuri, since deceased with a copy

                                              of the Will annexed and /or be pleased to pass

                                              such Order or Orders as your Honour may deem

                                              fit and proper.    


And for this your petitioner as in duty bound, shall ever pray.


















I, Dipali Das daughter of                                              residing at 276/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Shib Tara Bhawan, P. S.- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082 do hereby declare and state that I being one of the attesting witnesses of the Will saw Anila Roychowdhuri, the Testator, herein executing the said Will and Testament dated 12.01.1999 in sound health and mind with full testamentary capacity having understood the true meaning and purport thereof in my presence of the other attesting witness namely Bela Kar and Dilip Ghosal.












I, Sri Dipak Roychowdhury  , the petitioner/ executor do hereby declare and state that the statement contained in paragraph Nos. 1 to 16 above are true to the best of our knowledge and belief and rest of my humble submission before the Learned Court. I sign on this             day of                              , 2014 at my Advocate’s Chamber.








I, Sri Dipak Roychowdhury son of late Nripendra Narayan Roychowdhuri and elder son of Anila Roychowdhuri since deceased, aged about 78 years, by occupation-                                                    business, presently residing at 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:-


1.     That I swear the Affidavit as I am well conversant with the facts and circumstances of the instant Case.


                                           This is true to my knowledge.


2.     That the statements made in the foregoing paragraphs are all true to my knowledge and belief and rests thereof are my submission before this Learned Court.






                                                                                     D E P O N E N T


                                                                                    Identified by me:








District: 24-Parganas (South)



                                                 Act 39 (PROBATE) Case No.           Of 2014


                                                In the matter of:

                                                ANILA ROYCHOWDHURI, wife of late Nripendra

                                                Narayan Roychowdhuri , lastly Resided at

                                                Premises No. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police

                                                Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082;

                                                                                     …………. Deceased

                                                                        - And –

                                                In the matter of:

                                                An application for grant of Probate under Section 276

                                                of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in respect of last

                                                Will and Testament of the deceased above named with

                                                a copy of the Will annexed;  


                                                In the matter of:

                                                SRI DIPAK ROYCHOWDHURI, son of late Nripendra

                                                Narayan Roychowdhuri , lastly Resided at

                                                Premises No. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police

                                                Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082;

                                                                                   ………….. Applicant





                                              AFFIDAVIT- OF- ASSETS

     I, Sri Dipak Roychowdhury son of late Nripendra Narayan Roychowdhuri and elder son of Anila Roychowdhuri since deceased, aged about 78 years, by occupation- business, presently residing at 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:-


1.     That I have truly set-forth in the annexure are to this Affidavit all properties which the abovenamed deceased died possessed of or was entitled to at the time of her death.

2.     That I truly set-forth in Annexure “B” of this Affidavit all the terms which by law allotted to deduct.

3.     That I further state that the said assets exclusive only of such last mentioned items but inclusive of all rates, interests, dividends and increased value of Rs.                                        /-.

4.      That the statements contained in the foregoing Affidavit are true to my Knowledge and belief.



                                                ANNEXURE – “A”

                                           SCHEDULE OF ASSETS           

                        (Valuation of movable and immovable properties

                          of the deceased abovenamed)


1.     Cash in hand                                          :  Nil                                         


2.     Cash in Bank                                          : Nil


3.     Household furniture and                     :



4.     Jewellery                                                :


5.     IMMOVABLE PROPERTY                    :      Rs. 30,00,000/-


ALL THAT the undivided piece and parcel of land hereditaments and one storied building consisting three room, one kitchen room, one varandha and one toilet constructed on the land measuring 5(five) cottahs 0(zero) chittack and 0(zero) sqare feet be the same a little more or less in premises no. 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082, District- south 24 parganas, Mouza- Sayedpur, Parguna- Magura, sabek Khatian no.356, Hal khatian no. 608, Dag no. 113, J.L.No. 12, Sub Registree office Behala,  ward no.122 under Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Assessee no. 411220801474


6.     Household property                                       : Nil


7.     Policy in Life Insurance                                   : Nil


8.     Movable Property                                           : Nil


                                                              Total        :     Rs.


Amount deducted as shown as                        :     Rs.

Annexure – “B”


                                                              Total        :



                                           ANNEXURE – “B”

              (Due and qwing from the deceased abovenamed payable by

                amount of the Estate)


1.     Income Tax paid                                      :  Nil


2.     Gift Tax paid                                            :  Nil


3.     Amount of Funeral expanses

And Shradh Ceremoney                       :  Rs. 50,000/-


4.     Propery held in trust beneficial          :  Nil

Or with general power to

Transfer beneficial interest.     


                                                     Total     :  Rs. 50,000/-





Prepared in my office:


                                                                                   D E P O N E N T                                                     



                                                                                      Identified by me:











I, Sri  Shyama Prasad Roychowdhury son of late Nripendra Narayan Roychowdhuri and elder son of Anila Roychowdhuri since deceased, aged about 78 years, by occupation- business, presently residing at 353/N, Matilal Gupta Road,Police Station- Thakurpukar, Kolkata- 700082, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:-


1.     That I am one of the consentees/ petitioners herein and am well conversant with the facts and circumstances of the instant Case.


                                           This is true to my knowledge.


2.     That the statements made in the foregoing paragraphs are all true to my knowledge and belief and rests thereof are my submission before this Learned Court.






                                                                                     D E P O N E N T


                                                                                    Identified by me:














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