Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Definition of Crime

 Definition of Crime

  1. According to Samuel Koenig, “Crime may be defined as any act forbidden by law which society expects its authorized officials to enforce.”

  2. According to F.R. Scarpitti and M.L. Andersen, “Crime can be defined in terms of the body of law that codifies a society’s rules about proper and improper behaviour.”

  3. According to Hall Jerome has defined crime as “legally forbidden and intentional action which has a harmful impact on social interests, which has a criminal intent, and which has legally-prescribed punishment for it.”

  4. According to Elliot and Merrill, “Crime may be defined as anti-social behaviour which the group rejects and to which it attaches penalties.” Therefore crime is believed that anti-social elements are responsible for increase in crime rate.

  5. According to Mowrer (1959) has defined as “an anti-social act”.


Crimes have been classified on varied bases. Sutherland has given two types of crimes on the basis of their atrocity and seriousness – felony and misdemeanour. The distinction between the two is made in terms of the sentence that can be imposed.

Felonies are the most serious of crimes that one can commit. Felonies are punishable by one year or more imprisonment. In fact, there are some states which impose the death penalty for certain types of felony crimes. Felony crime includes personal crimes, such as murder, robbery and rape. Other types are crimes against property, including burglary or larceny.

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