Thursday, May 18, 2023





                                                     Suit  No.             of  2017


           SS                                                                                                   ... Plaintiff




         TT                                                                                              ...    Defendant











1.         The plaintiff SS_________________is engaged in the business of manufacture, marketing and sale of food for human consumption including confectionary, spices, chatni and other allied and related goods (referred to as "the said goods and business"). SS is duly authorized to institute and file this suit, depose to its facts, sign and verify its pleadings and do all acts necessary for its   conduct and pursuance. He is also otherwise aware of the  facts and circumstances of the case.



2.         The plaintiff   has been engaged in the said goods and business since the year _______. In the year ______ the plaintiff adopted the Trade Marks HS LOGO Label (word per se and in an artistic manner) and has been using the same by itself as also in an artistic label. The trade mark/label of the plaintiff are annexed herewith as ANNEXURE P-I (colly).


3.         In   the   year   1995 the plaintiff   honestly, bonafidely and in the course of trade, adopted the trade mark HS LOGO Label. The  plaintiff  has been using the said Trade Mark/Label since then uptill present time continuously, uninterruptedly, as an exclusive proprietor and owner. The plaintiff is prior and senior adopter of the said trade mark/label  in relation to said goods and business.   (hereinafter referred to as "the said Trade Mark/label/trade name"). 


4.         The  said trade mark/labels   are registered under the provisions of Trade Marks Act, 1999 in favour of the plaintiff, particulars whereof are setout hereinunder:-



Trade Mark                 :           HS Logo

Regd. Trade Mark No.:           xxxxxxxxxxx

Class                            :           30

           Goods                          :           Food for human consumption including


Status                          :           Registered .

            Effective from            :           13 June,xxxx


The copies of the plaintiff’s trade mark registrations as well as pending applications are annexed herewith as ANNEXURE .


5.         That The  Copyright   involved   in  the  said   Trade Mark/label  are original artistic works within the  meaning  of Indian Copyright Act, 1957 (the Copyright Act) and  the plaintiff  is  the author, owner  and  proprietor  thereof. The Labels of the plaintiff are duly with the Registrar of Copyright under nos. A-xxxxxx/2009 and A-xxxxxx/2003 respectively. Copy of the aforesaid are annexed herewith as ANNEXURE . All references to the said Trade Mark/label  include  their respective copyright therein as well.


6.         Since  the  year 1995 respectively  the plaintiff has been honestly, bonafidely and in the  course of  trade using the said Trade Mark/label/trade name  as proprietor thereof   in  respect  of  his  said  goods  and business, continuously,  openly  and  without any   interruption  or interference  from  any  corner  whatsoever  and has built up  a  valuable  trade,  goodwill and reputation thereunder  and acquired proprietary rights therein.



7.         The plaintiff is the proprietor, prior and  senior adopter  and user of his said trade mark/label/trade name. The  said goods and business being carried on by the plaintiff under his said trade mark/label/trade name is a very extensive one and  the said  goods and business thereunder have been practically distributed in major parts of the country. The said goods and business under the said  trade  mark/label/trade name  are  identified  as   exclusively originating from the plaintiff's source and are identified with the plaintiff. The said trade mark/label have already become  distinctive and associated with the plaintiff  and the  plaintiffs said goods and business on account of  its long,  continuous,  extensive and exclusive  user  thereof since  1995 respectively till date. The  goods  and business  bearing  the said trade  mark/label/trade name  are  highly demanded  in  the  markets on account  of  their  standard quality and precision.


8.         The plaintiff's goods and business under his said trade mark/label/trade name  has acquired  tremendous  goodwill  and enviable  reputation in the markets and the plaintiff  has already built up a handsome and valuable trade thereunder. The plaintiff  thereunder has already commanded  handsome sales  running into lakhs and lakhs of Rupees  every  year since  its said inception, adoption and user thereof.The Sales Figures of the plaintiff are filed herewith  as ANNEXURE .  


9.         The plaintiff has been continuously promoting his said  goods and business under his said  trade  mark/label through different means and modes including through  their   advertisements   and  publicity  in  leading   newspapers,  of  trade literature,  trade  hoardings  and boards  etc.  The  plaintiff has  already  spent  enormous amounts of money on its publicity thereof. In  consequence thereof  and having regard to the aforesaid  including  to the  excellent  quality  and the  high  standards  of  the plaintiffs  manufacture  and trade under  his  said  trade mark/label,  they enjoy solid, enduring and   first  class reputation in the markets.


10.       The plaintiff maintains the highest  standards  of manufacture and trade of his said goods and business.  The plaintiffs   said  trade mark/label are well  known  Trade Marks within the meaning of Section 2(1) (zg) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999.


11.       The  said Trade Mark/label have already  become  a distinctive  indicium of the plaintiff and the  plaintiff’s said goods and business thereunder. The purchasing public, trade  and  public  at large associates, identifies  and  distinguishes   the   said  trade  mark/label   with   the   plaintiffs  and  the plaintiffs said  goods  and  business alone.   The plaintiff's goods and business are  dependent thereon.  The  plaintiff  contends  that  the  said  trade mark/label  have acquired secondary significance  denoting the  said  goods  and business of the  plaintiff  and  are recognized  with the plaintiffs source alone.   They have become synonymous with  the goods and  business  of  the plaintiff.


12.       The plaintiff is the proprietor of his said  trade mark/label  both  under the statutory law  and  under  the common law.  No body can  be permitted to use or deal with the  same or any other Trade Mark/label identical with  or deceptively  similar thereto, either by itself or  in  its essential/constituent  features  including  the  copyright thereon  in  relation to  the  same/similar/allied/cognate goods  or  business as that of the plaintiff or  for  that matter any specification of goods or business without  the leave and license of the plaintiff. Any such violative use will  be in violation of the plaintiff  proprietary  Trade Mark and copyright rights thereto.


13.       That the defendant  in  the same/similar trade and business  as  that  of  the plaintiff,  namely,  in   the  manufacture  and  trade  of   spices and other allied and related goods  under the trade marks HS Logo. [referred to as  the "impugned  goods  and business" and a term  that  includes goods  of  allied/cognate  nature and  "impugned  trade mark/label/trade name"]. The plaintiff is not  aware  of  the exact constitution of the defendant and he is  called upon to disclose the same. The impugned trade mark/label of the are annexed herewith as ANNEXURE .  


14.      The defendant are commercially and in the course of trade using the impugned Trade Mark/label as a Trade Mark in  relation  to its impugned goods and business  as  also reproducing the impugned copyright therein on its  cartons and  boxes. The defendant are doing so without the leave and license of  the  plaintiff.  The defendant is not the proprietor of the impugned Trade Mark/label.


15.      The impugned  Trade Mark/label/trade name  is  identical  with and  deceptively  similar respectively to  the  plaintiffs said Trade Mark/label in each and every respect  including phonetically,  visually, structurally, in basic  idea,  in its  essential features, in its placements as well  as  in  its  artistic features. The defendant impugned goods and business is also of the same/similar/allied/cognate nature to the said goods and business of the plaintiff.


16.       By its impugned adoption and user of the impugned Trade Mark /label/trade name the defendant is –


(a)                Infringing the registered trade marks of the plaintiff.


(b)       Passing off and enabling others to pass off their goods and business as that of the plaintiff.  The defendant are thus thereby violating the plaintiff common law rights in the plaintiff’s said Trade Mark/label/Trade Name; 


(c)       Infringing  the plaintiff Copyright  in  the said  Trade  Mark/label by inter alia  using,  publishing, reproducing   and  otherwise  commercially  and  for   the purposes  of trade using the impugned identical  with  and deceptively similar impugned trade mark/label respectively for  the  purposes of its impugned goods and  business  as   also  passing  off  the  plaintiff's  common  law   rights therein;


(d)       Not  only  that the  defendant  are  further guilty  of  falsification and unfair and  unethical  trade practices.


17.       The  defendant is  not  the  proprietor  of  the impugned trade mark/label/trade name and has no right to adopt or use the same as a trade mark or as a copyright or in any other manner  whatsoever  including under the  laws  of  equity, common  law and statutory law in respect of  the  impugned goods and business or allied/cognate thereto or  otherwise being  in complete violation of the  plaintiffs  aforesaid rights.

18.       The impugned adoption and user by the defendant are dishonest,   tainted,    malafide   and   fraudulent.   The defendant  adopted  and  started  commercially  using   the  impugned  trade mark/label/trade name in respect of the impugned  goods and  business  out  of  greed and  with  a  view  to   take  advantage  and  to  trade  upon  the reputation  and  goodwill of the  plaintiff  and  further  with a  view  to   calculate  deception  and  confusion in the markets and to   pass  off their impugned goods and business as that of the  plaintiff  and  to  make  easy   money at the  cost of the  plaintiff. The defendant is fully aware or ought to be  aware of the plaintiff said rights, users  and reputation  of  the plaintiff in the plaintiff said trade mark/label/trade name, at  the time  of their impugned  adoption  and user of the   impugned trade mark/label/trade name.


19.       The resemblance between the plaintiff said  trade mark/label/trade name   and   of  the   impugned   trade   mark/label/trade name respectively  of  the defendant are so close  that it can  hardly occur except by deliberate imitation. The defendant  adopted  and started using  the  impugned  trade mark/label/trade name   in full  knowledge  of  the  plaintiff  said  rights. The unwary purchasers which include  each  and every  section   of  society including  the not  so well  educated  people are  bound  to  be  deceived  and  are  being deceived  in   dealing with and purchasing  the defendant impugned goods   and  business under  the  impugned  trade mark/label under  the impression that it is emanating  from  the  plaintiff   source  or  that  some   vital  links  exist  between  the   plaintiff   and  the  defendant.  Defendant appear to have been tempted by the singular  reputation  of  the  plaintiff.  By  its impugned  adoption  and  user of  the  impugned trade mark/label/trade name, the defendant are disseminating confusion  and  deception in the markets with  the  result that the spurious goods of the defendant are being passed off  as  the  genuine goods of  the  plaintiff. By the impugned  adoption  and user deception  and  confusion  is caused in the market.


 20.      In about the beginning of March 2xxx the  plaintiff came across the impugned goods of the defendant  under  the  impugned  trade  mark/label/trade name in  the  markets. Constrained   the   plaintiff  launched  inquiries in  the  markets  to  ascertain  the  defendant’s  impugned activities under the impugned mark/label/trade name. The inquiries of the plaintiff revealed that the defendant had just about recently and in the beginning of March 2xxx had started commercially using the impugned  Trade Mark/label/trade name on its vendible articles viz. the impugned  goods. The defendant are carrying on its impugned activities   in clandestine manner. The defendant are not issuing any  formal bills and invoices against its sales. The plaintiff also launched inquiries with the Registrar of Trade  Marks   at  Delhi  which  revealed  that  the defendant  had even  filed trade mark application under No.xxxxxxx in class 30 in respect of trade mark HS LOGO. The aforesaid application is false, fraudulent and illegal and plaintiff has filed their objections dated 23 March 2xxx thereto under Sections 18 and 19 of The Trade Marks Act,1999. The plaintiff also issued upon the defendant cease and desist notice dated 1 March 2006 which was replied to through counsel by the defendant  by letter dated 16 April 2xxx on false claims and assertions.


21.       The  cause  of  action  arose  in  favour  of  the plaintiff  and against the defendant in the beginning of March 2007 when the plaintiff learnt of the  defendant impugned  adoption and user. The cause of action also arose on 23 March 2007 when plaintiff issued upon the defendant cease and desist notice.          The cause of action further arose on 16.4.2xxxx when the defendant failed to comply with the requisition of plaintiff’s cease and desist notice .The cause of action is a continuous one and is accruing every  day  and shall continue to so accrue till  the  defendant cease  with  their  impugned  adoption  and  user  of  the impugned trade mark/label amounting to complete  violation of the plaintiffs rights in the said trade mark/label.


22.       This Hon'ble  Court   has   the   territorial jurisdiction to try and adjudicate upon the present suit.  The defendant are committing the impugned acts within the jurisdiction   of this Hon’ble Court   by conducting, soliciting, selling and marketing their impugned goods and business under the impugned trade mark/label/trade name  in  Delhi besides other parts of the country. The plaintiff is carrying on its said goods and  business under the said Trade Mark/label in Delhi. The plaintiff’s trade mark registrations are effected from the Trade Marks Registry, Delhi. The  impugned application for registration under No. xxxxxxx in class 30  is filed by the defendant through Trade Marks Registry, Delhi on all India basis including Delhi. The  plaintiff has  tremendous goodwill and reputation in its said  trade marks/labels   in  Delhi  which  is  being  tarnished   by defendant impugned activities of the Defendant in Delhi. The   plaintiffs  said  proprietary  rights    are   being    prejudicially  affected  in Delhi due  to  the  defendant impugned  activities.   This Hon'ble Court, as such, has the jurisdiction to try and adjudicate the present suit by virtue of Section 62 (2) of the Indian Copyright Act  1957 and Section 134 of the Trade Marks Act.


23.       That the plaintiff values the suit for purposes of Court fee and jurisdiction in the following manner: -



(a)        for the grant  of  permanent   injunction  as  prayed for in para 24(a) to (b)  and for delivery up as prayed for  in para 24(c)  it is valued for the purpose of court fee and jurisdiction at Rs.______ each and court fee of Rs._____each totaling Rs.______is affixed. 


(b) for an order for rendition of accounts of profits illegally earned by the  defendant it is valued for the purposes of jurisdiction  and court fee at Rs. 1000/- and court fee of Rs.150/- is affixed thereon as the plaintiff estimates that such an amount shall be found due to the plaintiff from the defendant on rendition of accounts having gone in to. The plaintiff undertakes to pay such additional court fees it may be directed to pay by this Hon’ble Court on the defendant’s rendition of accounts and as ascertained of the actual amount due to the plaintiff.


          Total court fee affixed is_______.  This Hon’ble Court has  jurisdiction to try and entertain the present suit.


24.       The plaintiff, therefore, prays: -


(a)        for a decree of permanent injunction restraining  the defendant’ by themselves as also through their individual proprietors, partners, directors, C and f agents, agents, representatives, distributors, assigns, heirs, successors, stockists  and  all  others  acting for and on their  behalf  from  using, selling, soliciting, exporting, displaying, advertising  - by visual, audio, print mode - or by  any other mode or manner or dealing in  or  using  the  impugned  trade mark HS Logo or any other identical with and/or deceptively similar word/mark/name  in relation to their  impugned goods and business of  spices  and related/allied products or any other goods/product and  from doing any other acts or deeds  amounting to or likely to  amount:-


(i)         Infringement of plaintiff's registered trade  marks.


(ii)        Passing   off  and violating the  plaintiffs common  law  rights in the  plaintiff’s  HS LOGO Trade Mark/label/trade name;


(iii)      Infringing  the plaintiff’s  registered Copyright  and  also passing  off  the  plaintiff's  common   law rights therein.


 (b)       For an order for delivery up of all the defendant impugned  goods  and business bearing the  impugned  trade mark/label including packing material, carton boxes, carry bags,  finished  and unfinished  goods,  boxes,  stickers, blocks, dies or any other incriminating material including display boards and sign boards and trade literature to the plaintiff for the purposes of destruction and erasure.


(c)        For an order of rendition of accounts of the defendant and a decree to the plaintiff on the amount so ascertained.


(d)       For an  order for cost of the proceedings;




(e)        For  such   other and further  relief(s)  as  this Hon'ble  Court  may deem fit and proper in the  facts  and circumstances of this case.


 Prayed accordingly

















Dated, this _______ day of _______, 2017.






               I, SS, do hereby verify that the  contents of paras No.1 to ______ of  the plaint  are  true  to my knowledge  as  derived  from  the records  of  the  plaintiff  firm  as  also  from  my  own knowledge  and  those  of paras No.______ to ______  are  true  on information received and believed to betrue. Last para is by  way  of  prayer  to this  Hon'ble  Court.   The  legal   submissions are on advice, believed to be true.


            Signed  and  verified at  New Delhi on   this ________  day of ________, 2017.















































                        IN THE  COURT OF DISTRICT JUDGE  DELHI


Suit  No.             of  2017



         SS                                                                                                   ... Plaintiff






         TT                                                                                              ...    Defendant






    Affidavit of SS___________ s/o ___________, aged about ______ years r/o ____________Delhi.


               I  the  above named deponent  do  hereby  solemnly affirm, declare and say as under:-


1.         I am proprietor of the plaintiff firm and have been duly entitled to institute and file this suit as also verified its pleadings and depose to its facts. I am aware of the facts and circumstances of this case and can swear this affidavit. 


2.         I say  that the contents of paras No.1 to _____ of  the plaint  are  true  to my knowledge  as  derived  from  the records  of  the  plaintiff  firm  as  also  from  my  own knowledge  and  those  of paras No._____ to ______  are  true  on information received and believed to betrue. Last para is by  way  of  prayer  to this  Hon'ble  Court.   The  legal   submissions are on advice, believed to be true.


3.         The legal submissions are on advice, believed to be true.



4.         The   documents in so far as they pertain to the plaintiff are true copies of their respective originals.







            I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the contents of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge.


               Signed  and verified  at  New Delhi  on this ________ day of _________, 2017.






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