Monday, May 22, 2023

Mortgage Deed




THIS DEED OF MORTGAGE made at this __ day of _ 200 _


_______________________________age years, occupation - _____,

resident of  hereinafter called the MORTGAGOR, (which express shall, unless repugnant to the context, mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the One Part


M/s_____________________________________________________________________________________________  a bank incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at and branch office at acting through its Branch Manager, Shri  age  years, occupation service, resident of  hereinafter called the MORTGAGEES, (which express shall, unless repugnant to the context, mean and include the said Bank, its officials, employees, servants, executors, administrators and assigns) of the Other Part.

WHEREAS the mortgagor has been running his business in general stores and stationery at the

AND WHEREAS the mortgagor proposed to expand the said business;

AND WHEREAS for the purpose of the expansion of the said business, the mortgagor is in need of finance;

AND WHEREAS with a view to securing finance, the mortgagor approached the mortgagee bank for the grant of a loan of Rs. _________;

AND WHEREAS the mortgagees are ready and willing to advance such a loan unto the mortgagee provided the mortgagor furnishes a suitable security for the same;

AND WHEREAS the mortgagees have approved towards a security the mortgage of the house property situate at CTS No.  described in further details in the schedule here under;


1.       That the mortgagees have today paid and advanced unto the mortgagor a sum of Rs. _________/- (Rupees Five Lac Only) the receipt whereof the mortgagor dies hereby acknowledge unto the mortgagees.

2.       That the said amount of loan shall carry interest @ 15% per annum payable by the mortgagor unto the mortgagee bank on the expiry of each year, and the principal amount shall be refunded in instalments by the mortgagor unto the mortgagees within a period of five years from the date of the execution of these presents.

3.       That the mortgagor does hereby transfer and convey his property bearing House No.  described in further details in the schedule here under, unto the mortgagee bank TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same as a simple mortgage and by way of security for the refund and repayment of the said amount of loan     and interest due thereon.                                                                

4.       That the rights and duties of the parties hereto shall be that of a     simple mortgage within the meaning, provision and interpretation of the Transfer of Property Act.                                                       


All that piece and parcel of land situate within the Registration Division & District Sub-Division & Taluka ____within the local limits of the Municipal Corporation, bearing House No. of  admeasuring _____ sqft or thereabouts, and bounded by as follows :

On or towards the East        _      

On or towards the South      _      

On or towards the West        _     

On or towards the North      _      

together with a two-storeyed building standing thereon.                           


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have signed here under at the date first above mentioned.                                                    







Witnesses :


1.       Sd/-                                                                             

2.       Sd/-


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