Thursday, May 25, 2023

Special Leave Petition before Supreme Court of India



Special Leave Petition before Supreme Court of India


In the Supreme Court of India
[Order XVI Rule 4(1)(a)]
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Special Leave Petition
(Under Article 136 of the Constitution of India)
Special Leave Petition (Civil No. of 200 )
(against the final Judgment and order dated of the Hon’ble Court of Judicature at on C.I.T. Appeal No. of )





 (For Index please see inside)

Advocate for the Petitioner

Record of Proceedings

Sr. No.


Page Nos.

















  1. Office Report on Limitation A
  2. Synopsis and List of Dates B
  3. Copy of final Judgment and order dated —— passed by the Division Bench of Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No. —— 1
  4. Special Leave Petition with affidavit.

In the Supreme Court of India
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
S.L.P. Civil No. ——— of 200

In the matter of


Joint Commissioner of Income Tax
Special Range, Mumbai and Anr


Office Report on limitation
The above petition is within time

Dt. (Section Officer)


(Section Officer)




Previous year ended relevants to A. Y.


Asst. Order


Appeal filed before CIT(A)


order of CIT(A)


Appeal filed before I.T.A.T.


Order of I.T.A.T.


Appeal filed in High Court


order and judgment of High Court


S.L.P. filed


In this Hon’ble Court.

In the Supreme Court of India
[Order XVI Rule 4(1)(a)]
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Special Leave Petition
(Under Article 136 of the Constitution of India)
Special leave petition (Civil No. of 200 )

(Against the final Judgment and order dated of the Hon’ble Court of Judicature at Mumbai on Income-tax Appeal No. of)





The Hon’ble The Chief Justice of India
and his companion judges of the
Supreme Court of India.

This Special Leave Petition of the petitioner abovenamed most respectfully sheweth:

  1. By this Petition under Article 136 of the Constitution of India Special Leave to Appeal is sought against the final Judgment and order dated ——— passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No. of rejecting the Appeal of the Petitioner
  2. Questions of law : Following questions of law arises for consideration of this Hon’ble Court Declaration in terms of Rule 4(2)
  3. The Petitioner have not filed any other special leave petition touching the subject matter of the present petition
  4. Declaration in terms of Rule 6
    The Annexures produced along with the Special Leave Petition are the true copy of the pleadings and documents which found part of the records of the case in the Court below against whose order the leave to appeal is sought for in this petitions.
  5. Grounds:
    Being aggrieved by the final Judgment and order dated ———— passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No. of the Petitioner hereby apply for Special Leave to Appeal on the following amongst other grounds which are taken without prejudice to each other :
  6. Grounds for interim Relief:
  7. Main Prayer:
    The Petitioner, therefore, most respectfully prays that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:
    1. grant special leave to appeal to the Petitioner against the Final Judgment and order dated ——— passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No. of
    2. pass any such order or further order as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit in the facts and circumstances of this case.
  8. Interim Relief.

New Delhi

Filed by
Advocate for the Petitioner

Certificate in view of sub-clause 1 rule 4 order XVI

Certified that the Special Leave Petition is confirm only tot he pleadings before the High Court whose order is challenged and the documents relied upon in those proceedings. No additional facts, documents or grounds have been taken therein or relied upon in the Special Leave Petition. It is further certified that the copies of the documents/annexures attached to the Special Leave Petition are necessary to answer the question of law raised in the petition or to make out grounds urged in the Special Leave Petition for consideration of this Hon’ble Court. This Certificate is given on the basis of the instructions given by the Petitioner person authorised by the Petitioner whose affidavit is filed in support of the SLP.

New Delhi

Filed by
Advocate for the Petitioner

In the Supreme Court of India
[Order XVI Rule 4(1)(a)]
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Special Leave Petition
(Under Article 136 of the Constitution of India)
Special leave petition (Civil No. of 200

(Against the final Judgment and order dated of the Hon’ble Court of Judicature at Mumbai on Income-tax Appeal No. of 200 )

having its office at



1. Joint Commissioner of Income Tax, Special Range, Mumbai, having his office at Matru Mandir, Tardeo; Mumbai-400 034


2. Union of India, through Ministry of Law, Aayakar Bhavan, Maharshi Karve Road,Mumbai-400 020



I, ————————— of the Petitioner No. 1, aged about —— years, residing at ————————— do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:

  1. That I am ———— of the Petitioner in the above matter and I am conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case, as gathered from the records of the case. As such I am competent to affirm this Affidavit.
  2. That I have read contents of para 1 to —— in page Nos. —— to —— of the accompanying Special Leave Petition filed against the Impugned Judgment and order dated –––––– of the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in Income Tax Appeal No. ——— of 200 and have understood the same. I state that the facts stated in the Petition are true to my knowledge as gathered from the records of the case. Parties to the present Petition are the same as they were before the Courts below.
  3. That I have read the accompanying list of dates and event from page ——— to ——— and prayers and say that what is stated therein is true to my knowledge and belief.
  4. That Certified copy of impugned judgment and order dated ——— of the High Court is filed with the Petition.
  5. The accompanying Annexures to the Petition are true copies of their respective originals.
  6. That the Petitioners have not filed any other petition before this Hon’ble Court against the Impugned Judgment and order dated ——— of the High Court.
  7. No facts which are not pleaded before the Court below have been pleaded in the affidavit.



I, the Deponent abovenamed do hereby verify that the contents of paras 1 to —— of my above affidavit are true to my knowledge, no part of its is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

Verified at Mumbai on this ——— day of ——— 200
dvocate for the Petitioner

Before me
Associate High Court, Bombay

In the Supreme Court of India
Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Special leave Petition (Civil)
No.——— of 200








Affidavit of dated ——— 200 of

Mr. —————— on behalf of the




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