Monday, May 22, 2023

Ghostwriter Agreement



Ghostwriter Agreement

Given below is a typical agreement which you can sign with your ghostwriter.


By this memorandum of understanding, signed this _____________ 20  ; both the parties described herein under as PARTY A, represented by ______________, address, _____________________________________ also described as the ‘author’; and PARTY B, represented by ___________, address ____________________________________________________________________________________, also described as ‘ghostwriter’, do hereby agree to all the terms described and given below:

  1. Party A is commissioning Party B to begin the project of writing a book on the subject: _______________________________________________________.
  2. The tentative working title of the book shall be _______________________________________________________’. This title is subject to change subject to mutual consent of both the parties.
  3. The deadline for completion of this book is _______ days after the signing of this agreement.
  4. Party A agrees to pay Party B a consolidated sum of Rs_________ for the project that will include the following:
    1. Writing the content of the book on the guidelines of Party A.
    2. Getting it edited by a pro-editor before submission.
  5. The fees of the co-writer/ghostwriter will be paid as follows:
    1. 50% advance to get the project started.
    2. 50% within……… days of complete work submission (irrespective of whether Party A found time to go through it in ……… days or not).
  6. Party B (ghostwriter) is subject to NO royalty or commission on the sales of the book. He is only entitled to the one time fees of Rs_________.
  7. Party B (ghostwriter) will maintain full confidentiality about this project.
  8. The book will be __________ pages long.
  9. Party B agrees that he will not take the help of any plagiarism, meaning he will avoid using borrowed material in this book exactly as they are found elsewhere.
  10. Party A will own all copyrights for this book, including sale and distribution rights.
  11. Party A will have full freedom to set the retail price of this book, deal with any publisher, and may even distribute it free of cost if she wishes. Party B will have no say on setting the price of this book.
  12. Party A can request party B to make a reasonable number of changes and edits during the period of production of this book and within …….. days of completion of the book.

Both the parties do hereby agree to the terms laid and set above.


Party A (author)




Party B (ghostwriter)


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