Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Application under Section 19 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985






Application under Section 19 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985


Details of the application:

1.   Particulars of the applicant: -

(i)  Name of the Applicant

Dhruba Jung Tewari

(ii)  Name of Father

Late Dal Bahadur Tewari

(iii)  Designation and office in which employed

Lecturer in the Darjeeling Polytechnic, Kurseong,

(iv) Office Address

Darjeeling Polytechnic, Kurseong, P. O. and P. S. Kurseong, District Darjeeling, Pin 734 201

(v)  Address of service of  all notices

Ashok Kumar Singh, Advocate, Bar Association, Room No. 15, high Court, Calcutta

2.  Particulars of the Respondents


(i)  Name and/or designation of the respondents

1) State of West Bengal, Service through the Secretary, Department of Education, Government of West Bengal (Technical Education), Bikash Bhawan, 10th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091, District North 24-Parganas;


2) The Deputy Secretary, Department of Technical Education and Training, Bikash Bhawan, 10th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091, District North 24-Parganas;


3) The Director of Technical Education and Training, Department of Technical Education and Training, Bikash Bhawan, 10th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091, District North 24-Parganas;


4)  The Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Department of Technical Education and Training, Bikash Bhawan, 10th Floor, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091, District North 24-Parganas;


5)  The Principal, Darjeeling Polytechnic Kurseong, P. O. and P. S. Kurseong, District Darjeeling, Pin 734 201.

(ii) Designation and particulars of office

As stated in item 2 (i)

(iii)  Office address of the respondents

As stated in item 2 (i)

(iv)  Address of service of all notices

Upon the offices of the Respondents


3.       Particulars of the Order against which application is made.


(i)  Order No. 

Memo No.  323-TET/1C-20T/2011

(ii)  Date 

29th January, 2013

(iii)  Passed by

Respondent No. 3

(iv)  Subject in brief


The applicant was appointed as a Lecturer on in Civil Engineering of Government Polytechnic on a purely temporary basis on 6th October, 1994 under the rewspondent no. 1, which was extended from time to time and by way of a subsequent Order dated 15th December, 2009, his service was confirmed with effect from 1st January, 2004 along with some other candidates in the respondent no. 5 college.  The applicant was accorded approval to a vacant regular post of lecturer on 20th February, 2002 with effect from 1st January, 2001.  Some candidates who were junior to the applicant were confirmed instantly within 1 year of joining service, while the applicant’s regularisation was kept in abeyance for 7 year and extended from time to time for reasons best known to the respondent authorities.  The applicant sent several representations to the respondent authorities for antecedent effect of his service benefit with effect from 2001 and due to non-consideration of his representations, he was compelled to move This Hon’ble Tribunal, being O. A. No. 1213 of 2011 and on contested hearing, The Hon’ble Tribunal was pleased to dispose of the application filed by the applicant directing the respondent authorities to consider the grievances of the petitioner and treat the application as a representation and dispose of the same within a period of 4 months from the date of communication of The Order after giving opportunity of hearing to the applicant and pass a reasoned Order accordingly.  That the matter was heard by the respondent no. 3 on 3rd January, 2013 and was pleased to pass an Order on 29th January, 2013 and was pleased to reject the prayer of the applicant without assigning any cogent reason.  Challenging The impugned Order dated 29th January, 2013, the applicant has moved This Hon’ble Tribunal for redressal of his grievances.


4.       Jurisdiction of The Tribunal:

          The applicant declares that the subject-matter of the inaction on part of the respondent authorities against which the applicant wants redressal is within the jurisdiction of The Tribunal.


5.       Limitation:

          The applicant further declares that the application is within the limitation prescribed in Section 21 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985.


6.       Facts of the case:

          The facts of the case are given below: -

a)            the applicant is a citizen of India and is permanently residing at the address mentioned in the Cause Title;

b)           that the applicant states he was appointed on 6th October, 1994 as lecturer in Civil Engineering of Government Polytechnic on a purely temporary basis by virtue of an Order dated 27th September, 1994 vide vide Memo No. 678-TET(Poly)   under the Government of West

                                                 4A – 10/94

Bengal, Department of Technical Education and Training and Polytechnic Branch;

A Xerox copy of the appointment letter is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure “A” to the instant application.

c)            that the applicant states that his initial appointment of 1994 was extended subsequently vide Orders dated 20th February, 1995, 10th July, 1995, 8th February, 1996, 21st June, 1996, 25th February, 1997, 8th June, 1998, 20th May, 1999 and finally on 20th February, 2002;
Xerox copies of the subsequent extended Orders are annexed herewith and collectively marked as Annexure `B` to the instant petition.

d)           that the applicant states that Your applicant was designated as Senior Lecturer and he was to act as Officer-in-Charge of the Dargeeling Polytechnic, Kurseong vide Order dated 18th June, 2003 vide Memo No. 656-TET (Poly)/4A-7/2000 with effect from 2nd June, 2003.

A Xerox copy of said appointment letter, whereby he was appointed as Officer-in-Charge of Darjeeling Polytechnic vide Memo No. 656-TET (Poly)/4A-7/2000 dated 18th June, 2003 is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure ‘C’ to this application.

e)            that the applicant states that on the basis of The Order issued vide Memo No. 811-TETT(Poly)/16C-06/09 dated 15th September, 2009, which was issued in pursuance of Finance Department Memo No. 6060-F dated 25th June, 1979, it was stated that the applicant joined his service on 1st January, 2001 and his date of confirmation of his service is with effect from 1st January, 2004;
A Xerox copy of the said Order dated 15th September, 2009 vide Memo No. 811-TETT(Poly)/16C-06/09 is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure “D” to this petition.

f)             that the applicant states that he was flabbergasted to receive such type of Order as his first appointment was way back in 1994 and he was curious how his 7 years of service to the respondent authorities has gone down the drain;

g)            that Your applicant states that the persons on the same fooring and similarly placed circumstances with that of Your applicant, who joined on temporary ad hoc basis even after the applicant and junior to him in service have been regularised and confirmed instantly without any delay within one year while the applicant’s regularisation was kept in abeyance for about 7 years and extended from time to time at the sweet will of the respondent authorities;

h)           that Your applicant submits that Your applicant had brought the issue time and again to the knowledge of the authority but the respondent authorities kept the prayers in abeyance for indefinite period without sympathetically considering the prayer of the applicant for proper placement in the group of seniority and service benefits for his length of service since 1994, the initial appointment since it culminated into regular appointment and confirmation.  Had there been no culmination into regular appointment and confirmation, then the prayer for consideration, then the prayer for consideration would not be solicited as a natural consequence;

i)             that the applicant states that he made several representations before the respondent authorities for redressal of his just and legitimate grievances for getting the desired relief and as the respondent authorities chose neither to take any action nor giving any reply to the applicant’s prayer, the applicant had no other option but to approach This Hon’ble Tribunal due to non-consideration of the applicant’s prayer, being O. A. No. 1213 of 2011;
Your applicant craves leave to produce the copy of the application being O. A. No. 1213 of 2011 at the time of hearing, if required.

j)             that the matter was taken up for hearing, by Sri S. K. Chakrabarti, The Hon’ble Member, West Bengal Administrative Tribunal on 26th July, 2012;

k)           that on contested hearing, The Hon’ble Sri S. K. Chakrabarti was pleased to dispose of the application by directing the respondent, particularly the respondent no. 3 to consider the grievances of the applicant regarding seniority as made out in the instant application, which may be treated as a representation along with all enclosures and t dispose of the same within a period of 4 months from the date of communication of This Order after giving opportunity of hearing to the applicant or his representative and pass a reasoned Order accordingly and the decision so taken shall be communicated to the applicant within following 2 weeks.
A Xerox copy of The Order dated 26th July, 2012 passed by Sri S. K. Chakrabarti, The Hon’ble Member, West Bengal Administrative Tribunal in O. A. No. 1312 of 2011 is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure `E`.

l)             that Your applicant states that in pursuance of The Order passed by The Hon’ble Tribunal, Your applicant duly communicated The Order to the respondent no. 3, which was received by the respondent no. 3 on 17th October, 2012.
A Xerox copy of the communication letter of The Order of This Hon’ble Tribunal is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure ‘F’.

m)          That Your applicant states that the respondent no. 3 duly communicated a letter to the applicant, a copy of which was sent to the Assistant Director of Technical Education and Training, West Bengal and the respondent no. 5 on 1st December, 2012 vide Memo No. 2900/1(3)-tet/1C-20T/2011, whereby it was stated that pursuant to The Solemn Order dated 26th July, 2012 passed by This Hon’ble Tribunal, hearing of the applicant has been fixed at 11.30 hrs. on 3rd January, 2013 in the office chamber of the respondent no. 3;

A Xerox copy of the said letter 1st December, 2012 vide Memo No. 2900/1(3)-tet/1C-20T/2011 is annexed herewith and marked as Annexure “G” to the instant application.

n)           that the applicant states that he duly attended the hearing on the stipulated dated, i.e., 3rd January, 2013;

o)            that the applicant states that on contested hearing, the respondent no. 3 was pleased to reject the prayer of the application, with a vexatious reason stating inter alia that on scrutinising all the office records of the Department of Technical Education and Training, West Bengal, it is observed that no ad-hoc period of service of lecturers (who had been absorbed from ad-hoc service in terms of the above mentioned G. O.) were treated as regular service by the Technical Education and Training Department as there is no such Rules/Orders of the government for treating ad hoc service as regular service;

p)           that the applicant states that the instant Order was passed in consonance with Rule 4 of West Bengal Services (Determination of Seniority) Rules, 1981 but the applicant submits that the Rule is violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of India and as such the same ought to be declared ultra vires as per the law laid down by The Hon’ble Apex Court;

q)            that the applicant states that challenging The Order vide Memo No.  323-TET/1C-20T/2011 dated 29th January, 2013, the applicant has approached the doorstep of This Hon’ble Tribunal, whereby the respondent no. 3 has rejected the claim of the petitioner for not giving his desired benefit since the date of joining his service in 1994, but the same was given with effect from 2001.


7.       Reliefs sought:

          In view of the facts mentioned in Paragraph 6 above, the applicant prays for the following reliefs:

(a)          a Direction upon the concerned respondents to take into consideration the applicant’s prayer for appropriate service benefit with effect from the year 6th October, 1994, i.e. date of first appointment;

(b)          a Direction upon the respondent authorities to give all retrospective benefits to the applicant;

(c)          a Direction that Proviso Clause of Rule 4 of the West Bengal (Determination of Seniority) Rules, 1981 be declared ultra vires Article 14 of the Constitution of India in view of the law laid down by The Hon’ble Apex Court;

(d)          a Direction that The Order vide Memo No.  323-TET/1C-20T/2011 dated 29th January, 2013 be set aside;

(e)          a direction upon the concerned respondents to transfer and transmit the entire records of the case before This Learned Tribunal.

G R O U N D S  F O R  R E L I E F

(i)           For that the respondent authorities acted illegally in not conforming to the principles of Natural Justice;

(ii)          For that in view of the settled legal position laid down by The Hon’ble Apex Court that the applicant ought to be given retrospective benefit from 6th October, 1994, i.e., the date of first appointment of service;

(iii)        For that the Proviso Clause of Rule 4 of the West Bengal (Determination of Seniority) Rules, 1981 is ultra vires Article 14 of the Constitution of India in view of the law laid down by The Hon’ble Apex Court;

(iv)         For that impugned vide Memo No.  323-TET/1C-20T/2011 dated 29th January, 2013 is not tenable in law and liable to be set aside.

(v)          For that the inaction on part of the respondent authorities is tainted due to lack of fairness, good faith bias and is against the safe-guards provided by the statute;

(vi)         For that the grisly attitude on part of the respondent authorities is capricious and without any rational principle or guideline;

(vii)       For that The Learned Tribunal has power to interfere in the instant case.

(viii)     For that the applicant has been a victim of executive fiat.


8.       Interim Order, if prayed for:

Pending final decision of the application, the applicant seeks issues of the following Interim Order: -

a Direction upon the concerned respondents to give the applicant appropriate service benefit with retrospective effect from the year 6th October, 1994, i.e. date of first appointment.


9.       Details of the remedies exhausted:

The applicant declares that he has availed of all the remedies available to him under the relevant Service Rules.


10.     Matter not previously filed or pending with any Court.

The applicant further declares that the matter regarding which this application has been made is not presented before any Court of Law or any other authority or has not been rejected by any Court of Law of other authority.


11.     Details of Index:

An index in duplicate containing the details of the documents to be relied upon is enclosed and given in details in the cover page of the application.


12.     List of Enclosures

Xerox copy of the appointment letter

Annexure “A”

Xerox copies of the subsequent extended Orders

Annexure `B`

Xerox copy of appointment letter, whereby he was appointed as Officer-in-Charge of Darjeeling Polytechnic vide Memo No. 656-TET (Poly)/4A-7/2000 dated 18th June, 2003

Annexure ‘C’

Xerox copy of the Order dated 15th September, 2009 vide Memo No. 811-TETT(Poly)/16C-06/09

Annexure `D`

Xerox copy of The Order dated 26th July, 2012 passed by Sri S. K. Chakrabarti, The Hon’ble Member, West Bengal Administrative Tribunal in O. A. No. 1312 of 2011

Annexure ‘E’

Xerox copy of the communication letter of The Order of This Hon’ble Tribunal

Annexure “F”

A Xerox copy of the letter dated 1st December, 2012 vide Memo No. 2900/1(3)-TET/1C-20T/2011

Annexure `G`





I, Sri Dhruba Jung Tewari, son of Late Dal Bahadur Tewari, age about 53 years, working as Lecturer in the Darjeeling Polytechnic, Kurseong, P. O. and P. S. Kurseong, District Darjeeling, Pin 734 201, do hereby verify that the contents of Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 11 are true to my personal knowledge and paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 are believed to be true on legal advice and that I have not suppressed any material fact.




Prepared in my office                                       Signature of the applicant

and signed before me                                      Identified and attested by me

at my Chamber                       




              Advocate                                                                              Advocate







The Registrar,

West Bengal State Administrate Tribunal,

Bikash Bhaban, Salat Lake,

Kolkata – 700 091







An Application Under Section 19 Of The Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985.



O. A. No.                   of  2013









Dhruba Jung Tewari                   … Applicant

a n d

The State Of West Bengal And Others

                 …… respondents









Ashok Kumar Singh,


Bar Association, Room No. 15

High Court, Calcutta

Mobile No. 98368 29666

                          98830 70666



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