Friday, June 11, 2021

Limitation application in Criminal Revision






C. R. R. No.                  of 2014


In the Matter of

An application under Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963


In The Matter of

Shri Krishnapada Mondal, Son of Late Panchanan Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office & Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.

                   ______Defacto Complainant / Petitioner.


-          Versus –


1)   Smt. Molina Mondal, Wife of Sri Deben Chandra Mondal, residing at Village – Khirishtalla, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


2)   Smt. Nalina Naskar, Wife of Sri Kishori Mohan Naskar, residing at Village – Noapara Biplabi Sangha Club, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


3)   Sri Rathikanta Mondal, Son of Late Ramanath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


4)   Sri Nilkanta Mondal, Son of Late Ramanath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


5)   Sri Ramkanta Mondal, Son of Late Ramanath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


6)   Sri Khokan Mondal, Son of Late Ramanath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


7)   Smt. Angurbala Mondal, Wife of Sri Deben Mondal, residing at Village – Sonarpur Khirishtalla, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


8)   Smt. Jyotshna Mondal, Wife of Sri Bipad Chandra Mondal, residing at Village – Radhanagar, Post  Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


9)   Smt. Rekha Mondal, Wife of Sri Ajit Kumar Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


10)        Smt. Debala Mondal, Wife of Late Ramnath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


11)        Sri Haran Chandra Mondal, Son of Late Bholanath Mondal, residing at Village - Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


12)        Sri Dilip Chandra Mondal, Son of Late Bholanath Mondal, residing at Village - Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


13)        Sri Pradip Mondal, Son of Late Bholanath Mondal, residing at Village - Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


14)        Smt. Shephali Dhali, Wife of Sri Rabin Dhali, residing at Village – Mahamayatalla, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


15)        Smt. Sumitra Mondal, Wife of Sri Satyen Mondal, residing at Village – Phuladhar, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


16)        Smt. Narendra Dhali, Wife of Sri Gobinda Dhali, residing at Village – Mahamayatalla, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


17)        Smt. Sandhya Naskar, wife of Sri Sudershan Naskar, residing at Village – Kalayanpur, Post Office and Police Station – Baruipur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


18)        Smt. Swapna Naskar, Wife of Sri Khokan Naskar, residing at Village – Ghasiara, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


19)        Smt. Shanti Mondal, Wife of Late Bholanath Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Stsation – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


20)        Shri Nirad Baran Ghosh, Son of Late Gopal Chandra Ghosh, residing at Village – Sahebpara, premises no. 4, at Sonarpur Station Road, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


21)        Shri Johar Mondal, Son of Late Sarat Chandra Mondal, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


22)        Sri Birendranath Sardar, Son of Late Santosh Sardar, residing at Village – Darijangal, Police Station – Sandeshkhali, Pin – 700 150, District – North 24 Parganas.


23)        Sri Ganesh Naskar, of Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.


24)        Shri Satyen Mondal, Son of Shri Nemai Mondal, residing at Village – Phulerhat, Post Office and Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas.

________Accused / Opposite Parties.


25)        State of West Bengal.

_________Complainant  / Opposite Party.



The Hon’ble Mrs. Manjula Chellur, The Chief Justice and Her Companion Justices of the said Hon’ble Court


The humble petition of the petitioner above-named

Most Respectfully Sheweth: -


1.           That the Defacto Complainant / Petitioner preferred one Complaint against the accused persons on 11-06-2007, before the Learned Chief Judicial Magistrate, at Alipore, South 24 Parganas, under Section 156 (3) of Cr.P.C. for the Offences Committed to be punishable under Section 120B, 406, 467, 468, 469,  471, 474, and 423 of the Indian Penal Code’ 1860, which has been allowed and subsequently an F.I.R. being no. 304, dated 20-06-2007,  has been drawn up by the Sonarpur Police Station.


2.           That on 14-09-2010, Charge Sheet being no. 584 / 09 dated 31-08-2009, has been submitted by the Investigating Officer of the case matter. The said charge sheet has been submitted under Section 467, 468, 469, 471, 474, 423, 120B, and 406 of Indian Penal Code’ 1860, against all the accused persons, FIR named. The said Charge Sheet has been submitted by the Investigating Officer, after the expiry of more than one year from the date of it’s preparation and forwarded by the Inspector – in – charge of Police of the Sonarpur Police Station.


3.           That the said Charge Sheet being no. 584 / 09 dated 31-08-2009, has been filed by the Investigation Officer Sri Nikhil Kumar Mondal, S.I. of Sonarpur P.S. who did not cause any proper investigation in other words he did not carry out any investigation in the case matter, rather he submitted charge sheet in the case matter against the dead accused person namely Radha Rani Kayal, ( accused no.1 ), and others, which has been reported before the Learned Court. The said Investigating Officer has done only desk work and submitted Charge Sheet.


4.           That regarding the delay in submission of the said Charge Sheet, the Investigating Officer, stated that he did misplace the charge sheet and thereafter he trace out and submitted before the Learned Court, though not on any prior occasions it has been reported by him to the Learned Court, that the said Charge Sheet has been prepared and misplaced. The said delayed charge sheet submitted only when the Learned Court on 05-06-2011, directed to comply with the Order of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta and to submit report, under the observation and direction of the Learned Court that the Investigating Officer has neither submit the report nor any intimation is received from the I.O. regarding the stage of investigation of the case such conduct of the I.O. be brought to the notice of S.D.P.O. Baruipur, vide order dated 05-06-2010.


5.           That it is pertain to mention that it has been seen from the following order of the Learned Court below, which is pending till date.


a)    Order dated 25.07.2007 - I / O, submitted prayer for recording statement u/s 164 cr. P. c. of witness Krishna Pada Mondal, which was allowed but pending till today, without any furtherance.


b)   Order dated 30.08.2007 - I.O. submitted a prayer for cancellation of bail against the accused (1) Birendra Sardar, and (2) Jahar Mondal, who did not co-operate with I.O., which was not considered by this Learned Court due to an interim order of stay of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta and still awaiting for the consideration of such prayer, till date.


c)    Order dated 31.07.2007- I.O. submitted prayer for deeds for expert examination, produced under the seizure list, which was not considered due to the hearing of Bail Petition of the accused and still awaiting for the Learned Court’s consideration.


6.                 That in such a circumstances, it has been observed that the Officer in Charge of The Sonarpur Police Station has not take any initiative on and after the transfer of the concern Investigating Officer of the case matter and also did not take  any initiative to cause necessary investigation in the case matter, and did not remind to the Learned Court below about the awaiting consideration on being knowledge about the Hon’ble High Court’s Order dated 30th day of July’ 2009, in C.R.R. no. 3068 of 2007.



7.                 That the Petitioner state and submits that under the said Charge Sheet the present I.O. showing the accused Sl. No. 1,3,19, and 21 as absconder, and praying for W/A. against them, before the Learned Court, and also state that rest accused persons surrendered before the Ld. Court on 31.07.2007, which is also not correct.


8.                 That the Petitioner state and submits that while the accused persons gave threat to the petitioner for withdrawal of the case and subsequently assaulted, he informed and communicated his grievances to the Officer-in-Charge of the Sonarpur Police Station on several occasions, though the present I.O. or the Officer-in-Charge did not cause any enquiry or investigation into the said matter of complaint by the Petitioner herein.


9.                 That the Petitioner state and submits that the present I.O. in the case matter, did not cause the following investigation :


a)    Examination of Defacto-Complainant and other witnesses has not been done before the Learned Judicial Magistrate, even after prayer for the purposes has been made to the Learned Court.


b)   The specimen signature of the accused persons has not been taken even after steps have been taken for opinion of the handwriting expert and notice has been issued upon the accused persons for the specimen signature.


c)    No Seizure of the Question Deed has ever been made before the Sub-Registrar of the Sonarpur Sub-Registry Office.


d)   No Specimen signature of the Petitioner and his brother, has ever been taken for handwriting expert opinion, and no steps in this regard has ever been taken by the present I.O.


e)    No deeds has ever been placed for expert Examination.


f)     No expert opinion has ever been taken in any aspects by the present I.O.

g)    No arrest of the accused persons ever been made, by the present I.O.


10.        That the Petitioner state and submits that unless the following necessary acts could be done, in the case matter, it is not possible to prove the case against the accused persons.


a)      Examination of Defacto-Complainant and other witnesses before the Learned Judicial Magistrate.


b)      The specimen signature of the accused persons for opinion of the handwriting expert.


c)       Seizure of the Question Deed from the Sub-Registrar of the Sonarpur Sub-Registry Office.


d)      Specimen signature of the Petitioner and his brother, for handwriting expert opinion.


e)       Deeds place for expert Examination.


f)        Expert opinion, in respect of handwriting and on other necessary aspects.


11.        That the Petitioner state and submits that the present I.O. have no knowledge about the case and he did not cause any investigation and finally submitted Charge Sheet in such a circumstances, which breed strong suspicion and apprehension about the present I.O.’s investigation, moreover in the present Charge Sheet, the manner and statements of the I.O. clearly shows that it is very difficult to establish and prove the case against the accused persons, since the necessary materials and opinions has not ever been made or taken, and whereas this non-action, also raise strong apprehension, against the present I.O.’s Investigation. Altogether the present Charge Sheet do not suffice the interest of administration of justice, breed the requirement of re-investigation in the case matter, by the another Police Officer of higher Rank, other than the present I.O. Sri Nikhil Kumar Mondal, S.I. of Sonarpur Police.


12.        That the Petitioner state and submits that the present I.O. submitted the Charge Sheet in such a manner, so that he can save the accused persons from the punishment for the offences committed to be punishable under Section 467, 468, 469, 471, 474, 423, 120B, and 406 of Indian Penal Code’ 1860.


13.        That the Petitioner state and submits that in the facts and circumstances, petitioner’s seeking re-investigation of the case matter, in the interest of administration of fair justice.


14.        That in view of such facts your petitioner presented his NARAZI petition before the Ld. Court below, on 21st day of June’ 2011, copy of which duly served upon the Ld. Public Prosecutor and the Ld. Advocate for the accused persons, and whereas  the said NARAZI Petition was finally heard on 08-08-2012, by the Learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, at Baruipur, South 24 Parganas, and the order on the said application was passed on 28-08-2012.






15.        That the Petitioner states and submits that the Learned Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, at Baruipur, South 24 Parganas, passed the necessary order as on 28-08-2012, in Sonarpur Police Station Case no. 304 of 2007, as rejected the prayer of the petitioner for re-investigation or fresh investigation under Section 173 (8) Cr. P. C. In considerable views taken from Reeta Nag cases of Hon’ble Apex Court.


16.        That being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the Said Order passed by The Learned Trial Court, Your petitioner preferred Criminal Revisional Application under Section 397 read with Section 399 of the Code of Criminal Procedure before The Learned District Judge at Alipore, District South 24-Parganas, the number being Criminal Motion No. 431 of 2012, which was subsequently transferred to The Learned Court of The Additional District and Sessions Judge, at Baruipur, District South 24-Parganas.


17.        That on contested hearing, The Learned Additional District and Sessions Judge, at Baruipur, District South 24-Parganas was pleased to dismissed the revisional application filed by the petitioner without assigning any reason thereof and was pleased to affirm The Order passed by The Learned Magistrate in Sonarpur Police Station Case no. 304 of 2007. Vide Order dated 22nd day of May’ 2014, in Criminal Motion Case no. 431 of 2012.


18.        That the Petitioner states and submits that the Narazi Petition was made with the facts of gross act and omission, which directly shows and established that the investigation was concluded by the Investigating Officer with mala fide intention and purported action as to provide safeguard to the accused persons, and without notice and or opportunity given or provided by the Learned Magistrate, in the said case matter of the Sonarpur Police Station case no. 304 of 2007, to the defacto Complainant/ Petitioner. The Learned Magistrate, was pleased to take cognizance on the said purported Charge Sheet, which is not in accordance with the Law.


19.        That the Petitioner states and submits that the said Narazi application of the petitioner established the truth that the Investigation was mala fide, not proper, and conduced in a very purposive and illegal manner.


20.        That the Petitioner states and submits that the defacto-complainant did not provide with any opportunity to hear at pre-cognizance stage of charge sheet before the Learned Magistrate.


21.        That your petitioner states that The Learned Additional District and Sessions Judge, at Baruipur, District South 24-Parganas was pleased to dismissed the revisional application, vide it’s order dated 22-05-2014. The petitioner applied for the certified copy of such order on 26-05-2014, and thereby the certified copy of such order obtained only on 23-07-2014, and therefore  59 ( fifty nine ) days caused in obtaining the order under Challenge.


22.        That your petitioner states that the Learned advocate was out station in Puja Vacation of the Hon’ble Court and back to Kolkata on 31st day of October’ 2014. Therefore the petitioner could not contact his Learned Advocate during such period.


23.        That your petitioner states that after 31st day of October’ 2014, the petitioner could not contact hid Learned Advocate as he was suffering from different ailment till 20th day of December’ 2014.


The petitioner crave leave to produce relevant document / medical paper at the time of hearing before the Hon’ble Court.


24.        That the petitioner states that on 21-12-2014, your Petitioner contacted his Learned Advocate for filling of the instant application under Article 227 of the Constitution of India before the Hon’ble Court, and the same has been prepared by the Learned Advocate and filed on the even day as on the last working day before Christmas vacation of the Hon’ble Court.


25.        That the petitioner states that after considering the period for certified copy as of 59 days and statutory period of 90 days, there is delay of 66 days in placing the application under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, before the Hon’ble Court.



26.        That your petitioner states that there has been delay of 66 days in placing the application under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, before the Hon’ble Court.


27.        That Your petitioner submits that there are no wilful laches on part of Your petitioner.


28.        That the application is made bona fide and for the ends of justice.


Under the above circumstances, Your petitioner most humbly prays that Your Lordship may graciously be pleased to pass an Order by condoning the delay of 66 days in filing the application under Article 227 of Constitution of India and/or to pass such other further Order/Orders as Your Lordship may deem fit and proper


And Your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.




I, Shri Krishnapada Mondal, Son of Late Panchanan Mondal, aged about 37 years, by faith Hindu, residing at Village – Khurigachhi, Post Office & Police Station – Sonarpur, Pin – 700 150, District – South 24 Parganas, do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows: -

1.           That I am the petitioner in the instant case, I am well acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case and as such I am competent to affirm this affidavit.

2.     That the statements made in Paragraph 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24,  and 25 are true to my knowledge, those made in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, and 23 are true on the basis of records and the rest are my humble submission before this Hon’ble Court.


Prepared in my Office

Deponent is known to me


Clerk to





Solemnly affirmed before me

this         day of December, 2014








C. R. R. No.                of  2014



In the Matter of

Krishnapada Mondal



Smt. Molina Mondal and others

  ……… Opposite Parties






An application under Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963






Ashok Kumar Singh


Bar Association,

Room No. 15,

High Court, Calcutta

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