Wednesday, June 9, 2021

For permission of sale of minor’s property u/s 8 of Hindu Minority and Gurdianship Act r.w. sec 29 of Gurdian and Wards Act



              Civil Misc Appli. No.          /2007





          Pawanraje s/o Bapurao Pande

          Age : 15 years, Occu: Education

          Through his Natural Guardian


1.     Sow. Mangalbai w/o Bapurao Pande

Age : 45 years, Occu: HH & Agri

        ( Natural Mother )

2.     Bapurao s/o Nagorao Pande

Age : 51 years, occu: Agri

        ( Natural Father )

All R/o Deshpande Galli, Latur Tq & Dist. Latur ………………..Applicants



Claim :- For permission of sale of minor’s property u/s 8 of Hindu   

              Minority and Gurdianship Act r.w. sec 29 of Gurdian and  

              Wards Act.



          Herein applicants most respectfully submits as under :-


1.       Name, Sex, Relation, Age and             :  Pawanraje Bapurao Pande,

          Ordinary residence of minor                   Age : 15 yrs, occu: education

                                                                      Male, R/o Deshpande Galli

                                                                      Latur , Tq & Dist. Latur



2.       Whether Minor is female, whether       :  Not Applicable. 

she is married, if so the name of

her husband.



3.       Nature, Situation and approximate       :  Land survey No.128/A Latur

          Value of the property of minor.               Admeasuring   80 R

                                                                      Assessment in   Rs.1.34  

                                                                      Approx. price  Rs.17,00,000/-



4.       The name and residence of the           :  Applicants No. 1 and 2 

          Person having the custody and              Natural Parents.

          Possession of minor’s property



5.       What are the near relations of the        :  No other near relations 

          Minor’s and where they resides              except applicant No. 1 & 2     


6.       Whether the guardian of person           :  No,

or property or both of minor’s have         Guardians are natural

          been appointed by the person                 guardians.

          entitled to make such an appointment



7.       Whether the application at any time     :  No,

          Has been made to the Hon’ble court     This is the first application

          If so, what Hon’ble court order with

          What result.



8.       Whether the application of                   :  No

declaration of a guardian of a person

of the minor or of his property or

both has been filed.



9.       Whether the application to                   :  No

          appoint Guardian was filed.      



10.     Whether application to declare            :  No

          A person to be Guardian, and grounds

          Of which appointments, the person

          Claims, which.



11.     The cause which have led to the         :  As stated herein under.




          Brief Facts :-


1.       That, the minor Pawanraje Bapurao Pande is the son of applicant No.1 and 2. the applicants are the natural mother and father of the minor person and property and they have no adverse interest against the minor.


2.       That the land survey No. 128/A was the ancestral joint Hindu Family Property. In the family partition land out of sury. No. 128/A was allotted to the share of minor Pawanraje on the basis of Partition, mutation was sanctioned vide M.E.No. 1842 dated 30/09/1994, thus on the basis of partition minor Pawanraje became exclusive owner and possessor of Land allotted to him in the partition. In the revenue record name of applicant No.1 has been shown as guardian of minor Pawanraje, the applicant have the custody and possession of person as well as property of minor. The applicants have been looking after and managing the property of minor.


3.       That the aforesaid 80 R Land from and out of Survy No. 128/A is situated within the Municipal limits just adjacent to Latur Gaothan. The said land is low/inferior quality land and practically does not yield any income. Moreover since last 10 years, there has been development of Latur town surrounding the said land. Almost all the land around this land have been converted to N.A. users. The land owners have sold the lands by laying plots. The plot purchasers have built houses and residing there at. Thus the entire area surrounding the minors land has become residential area. Due to such developments it has become practically impossible to cultivate the minors land beneficially. The residents of that locality are causing nuisances and hindrances in the cultivation. The waste water and sewage water from the surrounding houses is flowing upon the land of minor, whereby the land has become muddy and uncultivable similarly the said being a small piece of just 2 acres, it’s cultivation is unviable. The people residing in vicinity use the land for through fare causing damage to the crops. They also throw plastics and waste material and household waste upon this land. Therefore  since about last 4 – 5 years the land could not be cultivated and it is lying idle and barren. There is possibility of encroachment on said land by surrounding residents.


4.       That, in view of above facts the land is not yielding any income, The minor is taking education and his requirements of further / higher education are going to be grow each year. More ever in future the minor would also be in need support for his own maintenance. Under such circumstances the applicants have decided the sale the minor’s land. Since the land has got N.A. potential it would fetch good price. The applicants have entered in to an agreement of sale of said land for Rs. 17,00,000/- out of total price applicants have received and accepted Rs.7,00,000/- by way of earnest money. Out of said money applicants have made Fixed Deposits of Rs.5,00,000/- The applicants have entered in to an agreement to purchase 1 H 13 R land in the name of minor from and out of land Gat No.43 of village Hanmantwadi Tq & Dist. Latur, the said is situated at a distance of just 4 – 5 kms from latur town. It is best quality black cotton soil having irrigation facility by borewell. The applicants have agreed to purchase said land in minor’s name for Rs.11,00,150/-, they have paid earnest money of Rs.1,05,000/- to the vendor Pandurang shankarrao Kamble and got executed agreement of sale and receipt from him.


5.       Thus, the application would invest the entire sale proceeds of minor’s property for purchasing more land in his name. The land proposed to be purchased in best quality, high yielding irrigated land. Besides substantial amount would be deposited in the name of minor in Fixed deposit in the Bank. This would facilitate steady and secured income source for minor and his education and maintenance. Thus the proposed sale of minor’s property is for welfare of and is in larger interest of minor therefore permission for alienation of minor’s land deserves to be granted.


6.       An Affidavit of applicant No.1 in support this application is enclosed herewith.


7.       That, the 7/12 extract of land, agreement of sale which are in the name of minor, and other necessary documents are also filed along with this application for kind perusal of this Hon’ble court.


                                                       H E N C E   I T  I S   P R A Y E D


That the application be kindly allowed and permission to alienate minor’s land described below be kindly granted.

“ Land Survey No. 128/A of Latur admn 80 R assessed to Rs.1.34”


Date :      /08/2007                                                 Applicants







          We above named applicants No.1 & 2 do hereby state on oath that the contents of this application are read over to us and explained to us in marathi which are found to be true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, Hence verified to on     Aug, 2007 here at latur.


Date :      /08/2007                                                 Applicants









Advocate for applicats



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